Chapter 10: Court Cat-Astrophe

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I spent the entire night, the next day, and the next night planning. Designing blueprints on my trusty computer, purchasing things off of Amazon, and solving mathematical equations to calculate some things.

And, guess what?


You heard that right. The nanos would have to be as small as a particle of salt, but as long as I make enough of them, it's no problem!

But how will I make millions of nanos, you ask? Well, as long as I make one, I'll have millions!

They'll be self-producing nanos! They'll be able to supply each other with enough energy to form an entire new nano, since they'll use the particles in the air, and bunch them together, to form a nano.

What I'm saying is, that the first nano can build new wiring and supply the others with those wires!

I know this doesn't make too much logical sense, but since when was dressing up as a tigress and running around handing criminals their asses logical?

Yesterday, I spent all day trying to figure out the formula, and happily succeeded. I didn't have time to eat anything, but Oliver doesn't know that. He was out all day doing his rounds as the Hood. Moira and Walter were at work, and I was being babysat by Thea. Which is more like Thea on her phone in her room, not caring about what I'm doing. That was good in my case, though.

Today, however, the entire family is at home getting ready for the court meeting. This is the day that either Oliver gets officially appointed as my father, or I get placed in an orphanage and have to rethink all my plans.

If the second option does happen, I'd run away from the orphanage, hack Oliver's bank account, and get the money I need anyways. Then I'd build a secret underground hideout and everything would be good.

But, I'm still hoping it doesn't come to that. Most of my plans would have to be rethought if it does. It won't be the end of the world, but it'd be a huge obstacle in my operation.

I suppose I should get ready, now. My documents will be here later. Shutting off my computer for the day, I stood up. I stumbled a bit, since I've been sitting so long. I'm really tired, but I don't really give a shit. Sleep is the least of my priorities.

I opened the door, and stepped out into the hallway. Jeez. It's bright. I had the light off in my room, as it helps me concentrate.

Does my family even know that I've been staying in the same room that got broken into? I think they just assumed I relocated to a different spare bedroom.

This family is lucky that I'm a responsible, mature young lady. Normal kids would go crazy if they were ignored this long. If I were a normal kid, I'd probably be better off in an orphanage. But, as you can see, I'm an abnormal one.

I made my way down the hallway, and stepped into the bathroom once I got there. I closed the door behind me, and gazed at my reflection in the mirror.

Eek! I look like something that someone just fished out of the sewer...

My hair is all messy.

I have huge bags under my eyes.

You'd think I was a raccoon.

I heard footsteps outside my door. And, now Oliver stopped in front of the door.

"You ready yet?" Oliver asked.


Oliver's already done? Shit, I need to hurry.

"Uhh... give me five more minutes." I replied.

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