Chapter 4: Curiosity Kills The Cat

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What should I say to Oliver now..? I'm not really that good with feelings. I suppose I could start with apologizing. Yeah. That would be a sensible thing to do. I'll talk to him once we're in the restaurant, just to give him time to cool off. I've heard that Oliver Queen is pretty snappy when upset, and I don't want to risk hurting our relationship any more.

Oliver appeared to be in deep thought. He's probably always in deep thought. I wonder what he's thinking about.

Diggle parked the car in front of Big Belly Burger.

"We're here, sir. I'll be here if you need anything." Diggle said to Oliver.

Oliver just nodded in response, and got out of the car.

I can't really bring my backpack into this place, but I'm not comfortable leaving it here either. What if Diggle goes snooping when we're gone? He does work for the Hood, after all. Now that I think about it, there's not really much to hide in there. I don't think that a computer and some pictures can do much damage, right? If he tried to hack into my computer, it wouldn't work anyways. I coded some security measures into it. Let's just say, if someone tried to access my computer that isn't me... they're gonna instantly regret it.

I'll take the chance of leaving the bag here. If Diggle does find out anything about me, which he probably won't... he ain't gonna see the light of day again. I'd have no choice but to kill him at that stage. Hopefully, I won't have to do that.

I exited the car, and followed Oliver into the restaurant. We sat down in the seats closest to the window. Oliver was right across from me, it was sort of hard to avoid him now. I searched my throat for the right words to say, and was about to open my mouth to say something. Except like always, I got interrupted.

"Hey, Oliver. Is that your daughter?" A woman came up to us and asked.

She looked like a waitress. That's probably because she was the waitress.

"Yup." Oliver replied, staring into space once more.

"Where's Diggle?" She asked.

"Waiting outside." Oliver replied.

"Are you okay? You're awfully quiet today."

"I'm fine, Carly."

"Okay... do you want me to take your orders now?"

"Give us a second, please." Oliver said.

"Sure. Just call me over here when you two are ready." Carly stated, walking away.

I should probably say something now, before something else interrupts. Okay, here it goes...

"I-I don't really know how to say this, but... I'm sorry." I suddenly blurted, breaking the silence.

Oliver's eyes snapped up to mine. It looks like he's waiting for me to continue.

"I... shouldn't have snapped at you. I don't know what I was thinking. Just earlier, I was on the streets. I should be more grateful of you... I know you're trying your best to be a decent father, even if you just met me. And now that I think about it? No one has ever been this nice to me before." I stated, saying anything that would convince Oliver to forgive me.

All of those sentences are true... except the last one. Oliver reminds me of an old friend I once had. But that doesn't matter right now... my mind needs to stop diving off into the past.

Now, are you gonna say something Oliver? Or am I just gonna sit here thinking the entire time?

"Maybe... we could just start over? I'll be better from now on." I assured, in an attempt to get Oliver to say something.

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