Chapter 11: Rose Wilson

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Crap. I just realized that I used the flare that Oliver left here, when I was frantically trying to save this girl's life.

I wasn't really thinking this through...

Meh, I guess I'll 'borrow' a new one from the party store later. For now, I need to accompany this girl. Not to be creepy. Just so I can ask her a few questions...

Wait. I think I forgot to do something. What was it...

Oh yeah! I remember now. I need to search this girl for weapons, because she's probably gonna try to kill me when she comes back to the land of the conscious. She doesn't seem very friendly... but I like that. She's a smart girl. I'm not that friendly either, so I think we'll get along just fine.

She is currently wearing a black hoodie, that looks almost identical to mine. We even have the same taste in fashion.

I searched in every pocket of hers, but didn't find anything. Hm.

Next, I searched in her boot. I found a butterfly knife there. I think she's trying to make it harder to find her weapons. I searched in her other boot, just to be safe. And guess what? I found a pistol there.

This is actually blatantly obvious. It's a good thing that most people are dumb, and won't bother to look in someone's shoes.

I set her weapons down on the table. Now, I wait.

Oliver shouldn't be here for a little while, as he's currently in court. And Diggle... DIGGLE! Oh no. I just took time to remember that I set off a literal smoke bomb. Plus the other people in the lobby were exposed to it and...

I'm screwed.

Wait. Actually, I'm not. My smoke bombs contain a mixture of chemicals that knocks out whoever's exposed to it. I perfected it, so everyone that was exposed will have slight amnesia when they wake up. When I say slight, all I mean is that they won't remember the last five minutes before they were exposed. This is a harmless effect, and I made it just for situations like these. The mixture lingers in the air for about three hours, the same amount of time it takes for everyone exposed to regain consciousness.

If anyone walks enters the lobby, they'll immediately pass out. It's a good thing they won't remember passing out.

I desperately need sleep, if I can't even remember what my own smoke bombs do.

I guess I'll stay here until the girl wakes up. It shouldn't be too much longer.


Yawning, I blinked my eyes open a few times. I'm falling asleep just by sitting here. This is no time to sleep, especially when there's a possible threat right in front of me.

I was about to get up to stretch my legs, until the figure in front of me began to stir.

"Looks like Sleeping Beauty is awake~" I said in a teasing tone.

The girl's eyes shot open immediately. She tried to reach in her boot to grab her pistol, but it obviously wasn't there.

"Looking for that, I take it?" I stated, my eyes pointing towards the table.

"Where the hell am I?!" The girl spat.

"Calm down. This... is my hideout." I replied.

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