Chapter 15: Meeting

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I spun the double-bladed spear in my hand, impressed with my handiwork. This thing actually works rather smoothly.

I firmly pressed down on the button located at the lower base of the spear, making a spearhead quietly pop out from the front. I pressed the button on the other side as well, causing a spearhead to pop out from the bottom. Just like I imagined it!

I'm glad that it works, because I've been working on it for three hours.

I collapsed the staff, and shoved it into my backpack. I don't have anywhere else to put it, and I doubt that anyone will go snooping.

Just as I finished putting my new weapon away, I heard a loud knock on my door.

"Willow, can I talk to you for a minute?" Oliver said.

I hurriedly reopened my backpack and tossed my computer inside. I zipped it up again. I don't need Ollie asking questions that I don't want to answer.

"Uh... sure! Come in!" I said, unlocking the door and plopping down on my bed.

So, Oliver entered the room and sat beside me.

"So... what is it?" I asked.

"...Do you really think that I'm The Hood?" Oliver questioned.

"What did I say that'd suggest that?" I replied.

"Well... you kept hinting at it." Oliver stated.

"When I was saying that if this were your plan all along, it'd make perfect sense?"

"Yeah... that, and a few other times."

"I'm not ruling out the possibility that you're the vigilante. Anything is possible, no matter how unlikely it may seem. It's even worse when in your case, it'd actually make plausible sense." I told Oliver.

I'm trying to point out that all these coincidences are too suspicious. How is Ollie suppose to get better at this, if I don't question his motives? I'm just trying to act as practice for him to make better excuses.

"Well... is my word enough to convince you otherwise? I'm not a vigilante, and I don't kill people." Oliver said, desperate to get me to not be suspicious of him.

"No. Words lie all the time. But I have some advice for you; if you're the vigilante, stop trying to convince everyone that you're not him. Because all that does is make you look suspicious as frick." I said, trying to give him vigilante lessons.


"No, I'm not done yet! If you're the vigilante, which seems pretty probable at this point, you should also lower the amounts of coincidences. The Hood randomly appears a week after Oliver Queen returns. He wears green, which means that he probably trained in an area with plenty of trees. From what I've heard, Lian Yu is literally covered in trees. You randomly disappear, and then The Hood appears a few seconds later. The Hood magically appears and captures me, almost as soon as it's announced that I'm your daughter. He was also oddly curious about why I was running, and seemed rather concerned about my personal life. And despite what I said to Quentin, there's also the fact that he looks exactly like you. Same build, same facial hair, same height; hell, you two even have the same scent. So, it's either that you're him, or you have an identical twin that was taken away at birth." I said, pointing out the obvious flaws in Oliver's plans.

I could go on. But I think Ollie gets the idea.

"...That's ridiculous. I was never trained on Lian Yu, or anything like that. I know how to hunt for food. That's about it." Oliver stated, obviously overwhelmed at the fact that I'm actually observant.

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