Chapter 2: Adapting

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A man stood up from his chair, and walked over to me. I recognized him as Oliver Queen. He did look a lot like me, in a way. He had the same blue eyes, and sandy blond hair. Those obviously aren't the only notable characteristics that are the same, but I'm not going to pay attention to all of them.

"Well. I guess I'm your father." He said, with a small smile.

A fake smile. I know that he was trying to be friendly, but I had a feeling that he didn't want to be here.

"I suppose so." I replied.

I was just playing nice for now. If I wasn't trying to be on my best behaviour, I probably would've said that genetics don't mean a damn thing and that he wasn't a father to me.

"Do you want to come home with me? I could take good care of you." Oliver asked, with a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"I don't know. Are you sure that you want to? If you were just stranded on an island for five years, I would've thought that you needed to take care of yourself. Not a random child that was never supposed to exist in the first place."

That last sentence sort of just slipped out. Now I'm sounding rude. It is the truth, though. I was never supposed to take my first breath, or take my first steps. Or take my first life. I would've been fine with never existing, but here I am.

Oliver's expression softened. Great. Now he was pretending to pity me.

"Hey. Look at me. You may not have been planned, but I'm glad you exist." Oliver told me.

I don't believe him. I'm physically restraining myself from rolling my eyes. A billionaire playboy's worst nightmare would be to have a child. But again, he probably changed a bit. I know that he couldn't have escaped the island without some scars, at least. I wonder what the name of the island was. They don't release that information to the public. Was it Lian Yu? It would be unlikely... but still possible.

"That didn't answer my question. Are you sure that you want me as your daughter?" I asked again.

"I wouldn't have come here if I didn't." He answered.

"Really? You would still have to sign the papers to hand me over to an adoption centre, wouldn't you?" I replied.

At that moment, Quinton walked into the room.

"I wouldn't take her, if I were you. Do you know that she was robbing a convenience store when I found her? What's it gonna be next? Murder?" Quinton said.

Wow. Really, Quinton? You really just have to ruin everything, don't you?

"She did what?" Oliver said in a confused tone.

"Look, detective. There's one thing you should know about me. I do whatever it takes to survive. Survival is the only thing that matters to me. I'm not just gonna starve to death because I'm afraid of getting in trouble." I growled in a menacing tone.

"And, that's why you should rethink your decision. If that's not a big enough red flag for you, I don't know what is." Quinton said to Oliver.

"Dad! She's a ten year old kid! Not a serial killer!" Laurel exclaimed.

Um. Little does she know. I'm just going to play along for now, I don't need to tell everyone that I killed hundreds of people.

"She's a Queen. That tells me enough about her already." Quinton said, with a grimace on his face.

You know, if I wasn't restraining myself, I would've punched him in his smug face by now.

"Quinton. I understand that you have a grudge against me. You have every right to. But my daughter did nothing wrong." Oliver said defensively.

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