Chapter 16: Polygraph

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I may or may not have stolen yet another motorcycle from Oliver. I still haven't gotten André fired yet, but I'm planning on it. He was just full of empty threats; I doubt that there's anything he could do to make my life a living hell. Yes, he seems to hold a grudge against the Queens for some reason. But there's a line that I like to say. 'If you don't make enemies, then you're not doing your job right.'

You simply cannot please everyone. Sometimes, it's better to focus on the people that actually appreciate you rather than the ones that despise you.

I'm currently driving down the highway, following the limousine. I have a motorcycle helmet on this time, as it was just left sitting on the vehicle. I'm about fifteen vehicles behind the limo, as I'm trying to not make myself too obvious.

To the police station we go!


I arrived at the police station a few minutes before the limo did. I eventually decided to pass the limo, as I remembered the directions to the police station anyways. But the limo just pulled into the parking lot now, so I didn't have to wait long.

However, I waited until Oliver exited the vehicle and entered the police station. I can't risk him catching sight of me.

After Ollie was out of sight, I snuck into the police station, ducking behind various cubicles along the way so I didn't get caught. After a few minutes of that, I reached the room that the polygraph would be taking place in. I was leaned up against the back wall like last time, on the outside of the room. Nobody would be able to see me unless they were specifically looking.

There was a guy sitting across from Oliver, who's job was to monitor the poly. I assume that he's supposed to examine the results, to see if there were any spikes in Ollie's heartbeat. Because in normal cases, that's how you would tell if someone's lying.

Laurel was seated right beside Oliver, the reasons I do not know. Quentin sat across from his daughter, glaring at her ex-boyfriend as if he were the literal devil.

The tension in here is real.

"Is your name Oliver Queen?" Quentin started.

Nope. His name is Casey Jones. He wears a hockey mask, and beats the crap out of people alongside the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Not. But, if there were a live-action Ninja Turtles movie, I think that Oliver would be a perfect fit to play Casey Jones.

"You don't know who I am, detective?" Oliver questioned.

Who knows? You might be a green, shapeshifting martian from the planet Mars.

"The questions are to calibrate the polygraph. Is your name Oliver Queen?" Quentin asked again.

"Yes." Oliver replied.

"Were you born in Starling City, May 16, 1985?"


Well, I know Ollie's birthday now. That's not particularly useful in the long run.

"Is your hair blue?"

Why did I just imagine Oliver yanking off his hair, which turned out to be a toupee, which revealed a head of long blue hair that looked like it belonged to a female pop star?


Well, I'm hoping it isn't.

"Ever been to Iron Heights Prison?"


After a small pause, Quentin continued.

"Are you the man in this picture?" He asked, probably holding up a picture of some-sort.

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