Chapter 3: Confusion

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Oliver closed the door and locked it. At least he doesn't forget to do that. If he did, some crazy assassin people could just walk in through the door. But they'd probably break through the windows either way, just to make their presence known. I just stayed quiet when I was trying to assassinate people. It's more efficient.

"So... I think I owe you a proper introduction, young lady." A man stated. "Walter Steele. Your grandfather."

He held out his hand, so I briefly shook it. I may not have been in common society before, but I still have proper manners.

"He's actually your step-grandfather." Thea cut in. "But anyways, I'm going to my room."

She walked up the stairs, and I assume she went to her room. That's where she said she was going, at least.

Walter turned to face Oliver.

"Why don't you show your daughter around the mansion, and spend some quality time with her?" Walter suggested.

"Showing me to my room would be nice. I can probably figure out the rest from there. And, you don't have to do anything with me. I just like hanging out on my own." I stated.

I hope there's a window in my room. I need to be able to get out of this mansion when I'm trying to do investigations in secret. Right now, I need to go and fetch my backpack. I stored it under a garbage bin in the Glades. It has my computer, which has all my files that can be used to track down Slade. I also stored some sentimental things in there, so yeah. I need to retrieve it before someone else steals it.

You're probably wondering how I got a computer in the first place? I just simply robbed an electronic store. Yes, somehow I can steal computers without getting caught, but when I try to steal food then vigilantes start chasing me down.

"Are you sure? We could do anything you'd like. I don't have anything better to do today." Oliver stated.

"It's fine. I just wanna hang out in my room. By myself." I replied.

"Well, okay then... do you want something to eat?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah. But I'm sure that I can cook my own food, Oliver." I assured.


"Yes. I know your name. I don't live under a rock. I still had access to the news, I just looked through people's windows like the creeper I am."

"I thought you were going to call me dad now."

"It's not even official yet. Plus, I literally just met you less than an hour ago. It's going to take more than that to make me trust you enough to become emotionally attached to you."

"You can't trust me, if you never spend time with me."

"Exactly. I don't want to trust you. It's never worth it. Especially if I'm leaving in two days."

"You're not leaving in two days. We'll win the legal battle, and then I'll be here for the rest of your childhood. There's nothing you can do about it."

"Oh really? I could just walk straight out that door right now, if I wanted to."

Oliver sighed.

"Look. I know this must be a hard time for you. But can you just try to put up with me? We don't have to be friends if you don't want to be. But just try. Please."

"The problem isn't that I have to put up with you. It's that you'll have to put up with me. If I were you, I'd just stay away from me. That way, none of us have to get hurt."

I was about to walk up the stairs and find my room myself, until Oliver grabbed my wrist.

This is going just great. Why does he care so much? I thought that he'd just toss me in a room and forget about me. Well, if I push him away for long enough, then he'll eventually stop caring. I have some experience with this. Once you push someone away, they ain't ever coming back. They stop asking you if you're okay, stop trying to spend time with you, and stop trying to help you altogether.

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