Chapter 6: Guilt

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That was not a memory that I needed to relive right now. My mind just wandered off to back then, when I was still a stupid, oblivious idiot that didn't even care if they killed someone. All I cared about was impressing my 'mother'. Don't get me wrong, I'm not like that anymore. Later experiences changed my mindset. At least, that's what I tell myself.

That ninja guy turned out to be a random member of the League of Assassins, that volunteered to get killed by me. Apparently, Ra's Al Ghul sent that guy to the island. Ra's wanted to train me how to kill. I was destined to become a member of the league. But I didn't. I'm pretty sure that Umbra is still hunting me down right now. I'll deal with her after I deal with Slade. When I become a vigilante, it will probably draw both of them out.

Why does Oliver know my actual name, though? That's not a good sign. That means that he wants to kill me. He doesn't know that I'm Shade right now, but he will eventually. The truth always comes out in the end. Maybe if I let him get close to me, then when he finds out, he'll have second thoughts about ending my life.

I could remove the page, but Oliver would probably notice if twenty of his names were missing. I wonder how much he knows about Shade... I doubt that he knows that she's a child.

I have photographic memory, so I can search my mind later and remember every page in the book. That's one of the useful things about it. Photographic memory can be a pain as well. It makes my nightmares and flashbacks so much more vivid. Anyways, that's beside the point.

Wait a minute. Someone's coming. I hear them walking up the stairs outside the door. Crap.

I unsheathed my claws, climbed up the factory's walls, and am now hanging upside down on the roof.

The door opened, and Diggle walked in. Please don't look up, Diggle. You're screwed if you do.

What is he even doing here? I thought he was going home. Diggle walked over to the table I was previously at, and wrapped his knuckles in bandages.

Oh. He must be training. Let's watch and find out, just in case he's trying to betray Oliver or something.

Diggle walked over to the worn-out punching bag that was hanging from the roof. He began punching it.

Okay. This seems rather normal. I can't just sit here and watch Diggle train until he leaves, Oliver will most certainly notice that I'm missing. Diggle will notice if I just casually walk over to the door and open it, though. I'll need to sneak over there. This shouldn't be that hard for me.

I moved my hand, attempting to latch onto another spot. As I moved my hand away from where it currently was, a loud screech echoed throughout the building. Crap. CRAP.

I totally forgot how old this place was. I'm surprised the whole roof didn't come down on me.

Diggle looked up, to find the source of the noise. He, of course, spotted me immediately.

"Hey! Who the hell are you?!" Diggle shouted, running over to the table and picking up a handgun.

He pointed the gun at me, in a defensive stance.

"Maybe we can talk this out-" I attempted to negotiate.

Diggle pulled the trigger twice, and two bullets went flying towards me. Time seemed to slow now. Due to my excellent senses, I was able to detect exactly where the bullets would hit me and when. I let go of the roof with one arm, and swung my body to the right. The bullets barely missed me, whizzing past me into the wall. I can tell that Diggle is about to shoot at me again, so I need to think fast.

I let go of the roof completely, making me fall to the ground. Landing on my feet, I just ran towards the door.

"You ain't getting away that easy." Diggle said, pulling the trigger twice again.

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