Chapter 8: Who Do You Work For?

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Inside the mansion, my other three family members were sitting on the couch, looking at me with shock and worry. I covered my wound with my hand, so they wouldn't notice it and get all dramatic.

"Are you okay?!" Thea asked in a half-shout.

"Yes, yes. I'm fine, guys." I reassured.

I don't like this attention. I just want everyone to ignore my existence, it'd make things so much easier... I wouldn't have to fake being normal, I wouldn't have to come up with crazy excuses, and most of all, I wouldn't have to pretend that I actually give a shit about these people's lives.

I know that by being here, I'm putting every person in this mansion in danger. But you know what? I don't care. I should care, but I just don't. But... but they don't deserve this. They don't deserve to be put in the crosshairs of my enemies, all because they were unlucky enough to be related to me...

Stop it. Stop feeling bad for these people. I need to stay focused on my mission. Nothing else matters, Willow... nothing else matters...

Damn it. Why is it so hard for me to just hate these people? I've manipulated people before, I didn't think it would be this hard.

But I think I know why, now. These people are just so... normal. They sort of remind me of what my life could've been, if it wasn't for my so-called mother. But despite that, I still want to care about them. Is it just an instinct, to protect my bloodline? Or is it something else entirely?

Ugh, pull yourself together. You don't have time for this right now, Willow. We have time to debate your weaknesses later.

"Willow? You've been standing there for a while now, are you alright?" Oliver asked, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yep. Sorry, I just space out a little sometimes," I said, in a nervous chuckle. "I'm just gonna... go for a second. I'll be back."

I made my way up the staircase, and into my room. Broken glass shards were everywhere. I'll clean that up after I get this glass out of my arm. I ruffled through my backpack for a few minutes, until I found my pair of medical tweezers, a bottle of disinfectant, a cotton ball, and a bandaid.

I don't really need the bandaid, but I don't want anyone other than Oliver knowing about the wound. Why? Well, it wouldn't really matter if they knew... but I don't feel like putting up with their shit right now.

With the supplies in my arms, I walked over to the bathroom and closed the door with my foot. I set the stuff down on the ground, and locked the door. I sat beside the medical items.

I poured some of the disinfectant on the cotton ball, and starting cleaning my wound.

Now, I have some time to think about those rookies, that were either trying to kill me or kidnap me. Something tells me that they were hired by someone. I don't know that for sure, but I just have a really strong gut feeling. And I've already learnt what happens when you don't listen to your instincts.

They don't seem like people that Slade Wilson would hire. If he were trying to kill me right now, he'd either do it himself or send a professional assassin.

It's definitely not the League of Assassins. They have a very strict rule about how their assassins dress. Only in their black uniforms.

But... it could've been my mother. She dropped out of the League of Assassins a while back. I know that she was a part of it when I was born, and throughout most of my childhood, but when Ivo and his friends kidnapped me, things changed. Umbra went on a killing spree while looking for me, which the League wouldn't mind... right? But, she managed to piss off Ra's Al Ghul. She killed people without his permission. Against his will. That got her kicked out of her little club. She didn't really mind, though. She said that the League was too controlling anyways. But she was free from that moment on. And freedom is a dangerous thing.

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