Chapter 18: Mueller

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I don't really know how much time had passed... but just as I felt myself falling out of consciousness... a blast of loud music erupted in my ears.

Jeez! Turn down the damn music, will ya? I'm trying to sleep for the first time in two and a half weeks!

People were screaming incoherent things, and I groaned in defeat. How did Ollie expect me to sleep through this, exactly?

The music got significantly quieter for a moment.

Oh. So they're done now? Good...

"Hi, everybody!" Oliver shouted from outside.

A rather large amount of people shouted 'hey!' as a response.

I thought too soon.

"I'm very touched that you came to celebrate with me before I am sent up the river!" Oliver exclaimed making his tone louder as he spoke.

Good grief. Just shut up, people. And Ollie. You're making me subconsciously want to slap you in the face.

"Closest neighbours are six miles away, so don't worry about the noise." Oliver continued.

You inconsiderate bastard. I'm still here, aren't I?!

"Actually, on second thought... let's wake those losers up!" Oliver exclaimed, everyone loudly cheering afterwards.

I swear-

I never even got the chance to fall asleep, before you woke me up!

The music got even louder.

Okay. I can't fall asleep at the best of times. There is no way I can sleep through... this.

I specifically focused my hearing on what Ollie was saying next. Because why not?

Oliver didn't speak after all, but Diggle did.

"If you think this is what prison's like... you are in for a rude awakening." Diggle said, in an unenthused tone.

Why are you even here, man? Just leave Oliver to do... this.

I grumbled, and managed to get up off the ground.

I walked across the garage, and opened the door.

I left the garage, and slammed the door behind me.

I'm kinda running out of patience now. I just want to sleep! And I know I won't have time to later.

Softer music was playing throughout the mansion. But it was still annoying, high-pitched pop music that made me want to rip out my eardrums.

I walked into the front entrance... and guess the hell what?!

There was a butler guy, handing out drinks to people... and a few people dancing! Inside the mansion! Who the hell invited them in here?!

Another butler guy walked past me, carrying shots of tequila.

I grabbed one of the shot glasses off the tray, making the butler stop in his tracks.

"Ms. Queen... those are meant for the adults." He stated the obvious.

"Mhm. And?" I asked.

The enticing scent of the alcohol filled my nostrils. There never really is a bad time for a drink, is there?

I quickly gulped down the alcohol before anyone could stop me, the familiar sting shooting down my throat.

Despite my dosage of mirakuru, I'm still able to be affected by alcohol. I'm glad. Sometimes, it's nice to have a bit of a buzz. But this shit isn't nearly strong enough to affect me that much.

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