Chapter 9: Night Whispers

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I looked out my shattered window, at the cops below. I could hear what each and every one was saying. I specifically tuned in to Quentin and Moira arguing with each other.

"My family has nothing to do with this! I don't know why these people were targeting us, but there's nothing we did that could anger anyone enough to go this far." Moira argued.

"Well, there obviously is, or these psychos wouldn't have come in the first place!" Quintin shouted.

What the hell is wrong with this man? He should be in jail. Can we arrest him for verbal abuse of a minor and elder? Because I'm sort of getting sick of him, and I don't think I'm the only one.

I sort of feel bad for dragging the Queens' reputation through the mud, but it's not really my problem.

I stopped listening to what was going on outside. They're just being stupid. I don't need to cloud my mind with more stupidity.

I got off the bed, and exited my room. I looked around, and spotted a maid sweeping the floor down the hallway. I walked up to her.

"Hello." I said.

"Hi, Ms. Queen. Do you need anything?" She asked.

Why is there a maid cleaning this late? I hate when people make others do their chores. Why can't this family clean their own damn mansion?

"You can go home, now. You've cleaned enough for today. I'll take it from here." I told her, with sincerity in my voice.

I was originally planning on just cleaning up my room, but I guess I can clean the rest of the mansion too. If I'm gonna stay here, I can at least work for it.

"Are you sure, Ms. Queen? I don't know what your family will think about that..."

"It's okay. I'm giving you permission to go home. If Oliver or the others have a problem with it, then so be it. You probably have a family waiting for you at home. Go spend time with them. You only get so many hours in a day, and I'd much prefer you spend them with people you love." I said.

"Yes... I have a daughter waiting for me. She's around your age, and you sort of remind me of her."

"Then, go spend time with her. I bet that she'll be very happy to see her mother," I stated. "I'll pay you your usual amount... but I'm also giving you a raise."

"Really? I... I can't ask you to do that."

"You don't have to ask. You deserve it."

"I... thank you, Ms. Queen. You're very kind."

I mean, I can be nice when I want to be. I wouldn't consider myself to be kind, but I'll accept the compliment.

"It's nothing. The maids here deserve to be treated better... and I'll make sure that they do." I said, grabbing the broom from the maid.

The maid cheerfully made her way down the hallway, and down the stairs... only to be stopped by Oliver.

"Where're you going?" Oliver asked in a slightly annoyed tone.

I stomped down the stairs, and made my presence known to Oliver.

"She's going home, because it's almost midnight and she has a daughter to care for. If you have a problem with that, then try me." I said, sassily.

Oliver sighed.

"Fine. She can go home." He stated.

"I already gave her permission," I replied. "Go on. Enjoy the rest of your night."

The maid nodded, and exited the mansion.

I walked up the stairs and into the hallway. I don't want Oliver to ask me a bunch of questions that I don't want to answer. I just want to clean.

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