Chapter 12: Suspicions

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I sat there for what feels like ages. I don't like sitting still for this long, when I know that I could very well be doing other things with my time. Like... I don't know...


It's driving me crazy! I just want to get my damned suit done, so I can go out and beat the shit out of criminals! Help Oliver with his mission! Complete my own mission while I'm at it! But no... the court is somehow more important at the moment.

I heard soft footsteps walking towards me and Diggle. I looked towards where the sound was coming from. I can faintly see Oliver in the distance, followed by Moira, Walter, and Thea.

Just when I start complaining about my family being slow, they magically appear right in front of my eyes. Huh. I wonder why that keeps happening.

As their footsteps came closer and closer, I shook Diggle just so he knew that my family was coming. You sort of have to plan out your lines in your head, so you don't say anything that could offend anyone.

"They're back." I stated simply, in case Diggle didn't get the idea when I shook him.

Diggle looked up, and spotted them.

"About time." He muttered.

"Hey, guys! Did you have fun?" Oliver asked enthusiastically, approaching us.

"About as much fun you can have while sitting in silence for three hours straight." I replied.

About as much fun you can have while beating up street thugs and brainwashing ungrateful, bratty women. Which, is very fun, if you ask me.

"Look on the bright side. At least it wasn't six hours like we originally thought." Oliver stated.

"It wasn't six hours? Really? I thought we were sitting in there for twenty-four." Thea cut in, looking bored as heck.

"Walter and I decided that we'll run some errands while we're in Starling." Moira said.

...How is that relevant, Moira? Did I ask if you were running errands? Nope. All I want right now is to go home. But I suppose it's fine if you want to run errands. I doubt that Slade Wilson will be showing up in the city within the next few hours.

"Okay... and how was the court case? None of you said anything about how it turned out... so, am I a part of this family or not?" I asked, sounding more annoyed than I intended.

"Well, do you see any childcare workers surrounding us?" Oliver replied.

Nope. Which means that they won this court case. Apparently everything just sorted itself out. I'm assuming that there's some additional paperwork they have to fill out, but I'm pretty sure everything's fine other than that.

I blinked a few times, to keep my eyes from closing. I guess that coffee wore off already.

Oliver seemed to take notice of this.

"Are you tired?" Oliver asked me.

"What? Of course not. Come on, let's get out of this place." I said, walking off towards the door.

"That kid sure is acting strange." Thea said.

"Yup." Oliver agreed.

Guys, you know I can hear you... right?

Wait... Oliver has been eyeing me suspiciously ever since I've been in his life. Is he connecting the dots..?

Stupid Willow. You have to try harder than this to keep your secrets. Oliver may not be as blind as you think. He definitely isn't as dumb as he pretends to be.

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