So It Begins...

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Reza 2--

    There's no backing out now. I've led this rather strange group of people here to what may be their deaths in an effort to save mine, Roman's, and Izana's by taking Mother's. Is it the right thing to do? I'm not sure. Can I change it now? Not really. I just have to pray we survive. I just can't get myself to speak... Why would there be so many people guarding the cottage if they were all sent out after me? Unless...

"Kirini, did you set us up?" I ask quietly. "You said everyone would be gone and Mother never had this level of security."

She doesn't answer me but I notice her push her way through the group to catch a needle headed toward Roman's eye.

"Does that answer your question? We've been spotted. Let's do this. Miss, Roman, be careful in there. The rest of us will take care of the security outside."

     I hear Obi quietly ask permission from Zen before he disappears in the blink of an eye. The crowd blocking the doors erupts into chaos, signalling his arrival in the group. Roman and I move into the shadows while Kirini and the princes hurry to help him. Mother's cottage has no windows and no other ways out beyond the front door so we can't sneak in any other way. As I follow behind him along the wall toward the fighting I feel him take my hand again. His touch is enough to slightly calm the fears but not much.

    Roman stops at the corner before pulling me around the front and into the building. I didn't get to see much but it is chaos on the grounds. I have what I hope is not mis-placed faith in them though. It's eerily quiet in Mother's cottage as always and it is still as creepy now as it was then. How can I only just barely hear the commotion going on just outside? I shake off the distracting thought and make my way down the corridor with Roman. Mother's office is at the end and as always, her lackeys Lythia and Cahull are guarding her doors. At least we know without a doubt where she is.

"I will take care of Lythia and Cahull while you go deal with your mother. Please be careful and use the signal if you need me, alright?"

"I am always careful, am I not?"

"Don't start." He sighs. "I love you."

"I love you too."

    Roman draws his sword, a long dark tinted blade with swirling details that match my eyes. I had the sword crafted for his birthday a few years ago but it didn't have any of the detailing. He had it added to incorporate me into it since I was his Miss. I thought it was rather silly, but now I know that there was more to it. He strides down the hall and meets their blades as they start to attack. Lythia tries to come for me as I hurry toward the door but he quickly interferes. This corridor isn't exactly big enough for all of this to be happening but thankfully it widens near her office where we are so it's not as dreadful. I'm still not sure how I'm going to get through them without getting injured but I have to try.

    I track their fight patterns before exhaling quietly and sliding beneath their blades and fists. I feel a sword lightly cut my arm but I don't know for sure whose sword it belongs to, not that it matters. I hear Lythia call out to alert Mother as I straighten and kick the door open. I think one way or another, she knows I'm here. I enter her room and gently shut the door behind me before locking it. Mother is settled behind her desk as always, her dark red eyes focused on me in mild amusement.

"Ah Rezallia, you've returned. How unexpected. I thought you'd be dead by now."

"That means you either severely underestimate me or grossly overestimate the abilities of the family."

"What is it you want? Your death cannot be prevented."

"I've come to kill you Mother, that's all."

She sighs and gets to her feet, grabbing her sword as she goes.

"I had such high hopes for you Rezallia, I am rather disappointed."

    Mother lunges at me with her sword ready to cut me down but I draw the one on my hip and meet her in the middle of the room. The impact hurts my arms but I continue to push back against her blade, desperate to earn and maintain any advantage I get in this fight. If I don't beat her, I will lose my life to her. I can't let that happen. She loses her strength first and jumps backward out of my sword's path. As she moves, I catch sight of a necklace around her neck. It's the one I'd lost that Merian had gotten for me. I curse and fumble my steps, giving her a split second to latch onto my throat and slam me against her desk.

"I commend your strength and spirit, Rezallia, but you can't ever hope to beat me. I am, afterall, the one that made you who you are." She drives her sword down toward my head as she stands over me, keeping me pinned with my back bent back over her desk.

"You made me into a heartless monster!" I snap, dodging her stabbing motions while bringing my leg up to kick her off of me. "Just like Meiran said."

"Meiran was an unstable idealist who had no idea the sacrifices I had to make to protect you and this family!"

"You didn't save me! You killed my brother for not being good enough and now you want to do the same to me!"

I straighten and immediately move after her. I feel my sword sink into her stomach at the same time I feel hers hit me as well.

Don't Fear The Reaper *Izana x OC x OC* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now