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Yeonseo ate her snacks alone at the pavilion, stressed about the suitor candidates. Seeing them walking around the palace was tiring her. They kept approaching her and tried to ask whatever she was doing all the time which made her annoyed.

Baekhee who was feeding her some desserts immediately stopped at the sight of Sunoo entering the pavilion. He sat across from her and fed himself a dessert. She frowned and slapped his hand away, "Mine."

Mr Bae gasped in shock at the sight of the princess slapping the king's hand away. Sunoo chuckled, "You must be frustrated about mother."

"You think?"

He sighed and stared at the lake scenery. She sighed and lay down on the floor, spreading her arms and legs. Baekhee was about to tell her to sit up but stopped when Yeonseo gave her a death stare.

"Maybe you'll like your future husband? Who knows? I believe there's a reason why our mother does this."

"Why can't you get married? Why do I have to? Imagine if my husband gets greedy and has more wives. I don't want to share. And they all look like one isn't enough for them."

"I can't guarantee them only having one wife. But I know some of them. And they're nice and polite. They're gentlemen."

"Yeah, some. Not all."

"You can set up a test to see who's compatible with you the most," he said before feeding himself another dessert.

She immediately sat up straight, her eyes lit up out of happiness. "Really?!"

I'll set up tests that'll chase them away. Even if it's nonsensical.

• First Test •

Yeonseo sat at a table next to Sunoo. She examined all the candidates that were already holding their brush pens. Mr Bae silently handed all the candidates test papers.

That's right. Modern exam questions are harder, right? I'll get rid of those who can't answer. I hope everyone can't.

Then I can wave at them goodbye and enjoy my glorious, precious, memorable single life–

"Your Highness?" Sunoo called her, interrupting her daydream. She hummed in response. He sighed, "Do you have any words to say to the candidates?"

"Oh, right! Since I'll be choosing a suitor to get married to, I would want him to be intelligent. So you all will be having a test. Whoever scores above the average will pass."

She saw one of the candidates were already panicking after seeing the front page of the test. She couldn't help but smirk, the first page. Hard math questions. Algebra. Please, please fail and let me be single.

Mr Bae cleared his throat before announcing, "Let the test begin!"

Yeonseo couldn't help but think of the candidates leaving the palace sadly. She sighed and glanced at Sunoo, seeing him giving her a disgusted look.

"I see that you already have a person in mind, hm? You seem happy," he said.

She laughed nervously and looked away, mentally cursing at herself.

I shouldn't show people that I'm too happy. All the questions I asked the candidates mostly happened in the future time.

Whatever. As long as they fail, I'm fine.


Yeonseo fiddled with her fingers as she waited for Mr Bae to sum up all the scores. Sunoo waited patiently as he drank his tea. The candidates waited for the results nervously. Some of them were mumbling as they prayed to God to pass.

"Out of all twenty candidates, ten passed," the head male servant announced. Yeonseo's smile turned into a frown.

That's still a lot! I need to get rid of all of them.

Mr Bae started calling out the names of the princes that passed the test. Yeonseo's eyes lit up when Sunghoon's name was called.

"That's all for today. Please do get enough time to sleep for the second test tomorrow which will be examined through your stamina."

The candidates stood up before bowing at the king and princess, "Thank you, Your Majesty and Highness!"

Sunoo was examining the test questions one by one. He furrowed his eyebrows, "What the hell are these letters doing in a math equation?"

"These are called algebra," Yeonseo explained. She picked up Sunghoon's paper and gasped in awe, seeing him score a hundred.

She turned to the last page and saw him leave a note at the bottom.

"I know what you're doing, princess. You know I'm smart, right? I'll eventually pass this test."

"Shit," she cursed under her breath.

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