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The days went on as usual. Jungwon, Sunoo and Sunghoon had left the palace to visit the West Kingdom. Sunoo had ordered the palace workers to start decorating the event hall for his best friend and his sister's wedding.

The thought of Jungwon marrying his sister was still making him uncomfortable but he believed it was for the best. He was sure their parents wanted to see her happy.

Sunoo sat across Jungwon and Sunghoon in the carriage, waiting for it to arrive at the West. The nobleman was avoiding his eye contact awkwardly as he pretended to look at the scenery outside the window.

"Yang Jungwon," he spoke, breaking the awkward silence between them.

"Yes, Your Majesty," the said man lowered his gaze. Sunoo frowned and exhaled, "Why are you avoiding me?"

"Forgive me, Your Majesty. I just thought me marrying your sister would make you uncomfortable. I'm surprised that you invited me to visit the West with you."

"I am still uncomfortable. But I saw how in love my sister is with you. And how deep your love for my sister is. And I want you both to be happy," Sunoo paused before giving him a smile of assurance, "And you are an important minister. You're also my best friend. How can I not invite you with me?"

Sunghoon scoffed and rolled his eyes, hoping for the carriage to arrive quickly. He couldn't stand sitting next to the nobleman that ruined his plan.


"Then, you wrap it like this, Your Highness," Heejin said as she showed the dessert she made to Yeonseo. The princess's thoughts took over her mind. She stared at the desserts, thinking about Jungwon.

"Your Highness?" Heejin called her again. Yeonseo was brought back to reality. She smiled at the noblewoman, "Pardon me. Where were we?"

"Are you worried about Lord Yang?"

"I'm not worried. It's been days since I've seen him," Yeonseo sighed and continued making the desserts. Baekhee looked at her apologetically, "Your Highness, do you miss Lord Yang?"

The said princess glanced at her and nodded silently. "We don't even have a phone to communicate," she murmured under her breath.

"A what?" Heejin and Baekhee exchanged confused glances. "Nothing. It's just a random thought," Yeonseo smiled nervously.

She wanted to take some flour but ended up touching the hot pot next to her. The chefs in the kitchen widened their eyes, "Your Highness!"

Baekhee immediately led her to the sink to rinse her hand. Yeonseo closed her eyes as her tears slowly form.

"Why does my chest feel heavy? Why am I feeling uneasy in my stomach? My heart feels painful. And I can't stop crying."

"Your Highness," the noblewoman patted her back to comfort her.

"What if something happens to Jungwon? I haven't seen him for days already since he was preparing for the visit to the West. I miss him."

"Call the royal physician," Heejin ordered. Baekhee nodded before leaving the kitchen.


Jungwon inhaled the fresh air before smiling to himself. It reminded him of the first time he met Yeonseo. The air was so fresh, he could smell the flowers around him.

He followed Sunoo into the West Palace and saw servants greeting them. They walked to the throne room and saw the king sitting in his seat.

"Your Majesty," Sunghoon spoke and bowed, lowering his gaze. Jungwon followed after, leaving Sunoo standing alone. The East king sighed, "I hope you're prepared for the upcoming discussion, King Jake."

"You want the East and West to gain peace?" Jake laughed as he leaned against his chair. "Your Majesty, it's for the best. We can have a business-related relationship. We can't afford to have a war every time," Jungwon explained.

Jake glanced at Sunghoon, waiting for the prince to say something. Sunghoon sighed, "Lord Yang is right."

"Why should I agree?" Jake asked again. Sunoo felt his frustration rising. Jungwon held his hand to calm him before saying, "No one will win whenever there's war, Your Majesty. Both of the kingdoms will face great damage and loss. It's best if we just give up. I'm sure you're tired of the wars. We're also tired."

"Please agree to it, Jake," Sunoo breathed out tiredly. The West King tapped his fingers continuously on the desk, thinking of the agreement.

"Well then, I guess you're right, Lord Yang. Let's make an official agreement. I'll have my secretary prepare a document for you to sign. Please, forgive me for threatening your kingdom for years."

Sunoo stood up to shake his hand, "Forgive us too for all the damages we have caused to your kingdom."

"Your Majesty, we even prepared gifts for you," Jungwon said before eyeing the servants carrying the chests of gold and diamonds in.

Jake was amazed at the gold, "This is why they say the East Kingdom is infamous for gold mining."

The nobleman smiled happily and thanked him. "Please, enjoy your stay here at the palace. If you want to, I'll have one of the workers show you a tour around," Jake said before leaving the meeting room.

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