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Jungwon groaned in pain as he put down his pen. His chest was starting to feel painful. He let out a heavy sigh before drinking the herbal tea that was prepared by the royal physician.

He picked up the pen again and started writing into the memoir he prepared for his son.

The Memoir Of Yang Yeongwon.

Yeongwon means eternity. It means they will always be together for eternity. In the present time and also in the afterlife.

He grinned as he traced the letters he wrote on the cover. He turned to another page that was empty before dipping his brush pen into the black ink.


When you're born later, don't give your mother a hard time. Please love your mother dearly and always treat her nicely. I will try to be the best father you could ever have.

I will try to always be there for you. Please be born healthily and always treat people with kindness.

He closed the book and leaned back against his chair.


Heejin walked back and forth, feeling anxious about Sunoo entering the bedroom. The doors were soon slammed open, revealing the said king standing with an angry expression.

He rushed to her and held both of her shoulders, "Why the hell would you appoint a concubine for me?!"

"There's a reason why I–"

"Then, let's hear it," he sighed, "Let's hear the damn reason. I promised to not appoint any concubines or have an affair, Heejin. And now you want me to have another woman?"

"It's for your own good, Sunoo. You need an heir."

"So this is what it's all about? Heejin, I don't care about having an heir. All I want to do is to take care of you and make sure you're okay."

She avoided his gaze and stepped closer to the window, seeing the full moon in the sky. "You should get ready, Sunoo. Concubine Jeong is waiting for you. You should spend the night at her headquarters for today."

He let out a scoff, "I can't believe this," he said before leaving the room. Heejin gulped down her saliva and flinched when the doors were slammed close.

She breathed out and sobbed silently in the bedroom.


Yeonseo stood by the lake, seeing her reflection staring back at her. She squatted down and sighed, "I have to remember back the history. What happens next?"

She stood back up and asked, "Baekhee, what do you think?"

She turned around and saw no one behind her. She sighed before letting out a chuckle, "I can't believe I forgot that she passed away."

"Your Highness," a familiar voice called for her. She turned to look at the person and saw Mr Bae bowing at her. "What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Lord Yang collapsed today. The royal physician has given him some medications so he's okay now. But he said that he felt pain in his chest."

Is the poison starting to work?

"Mr Bae, I need your help," she said as she felt panic rising inside her. "This afternoon during lunch with the prince, I found out that he was trying to kill me and Jungwon. And he's been giving Jungwon poison for months now. I want you to get rid of all the unfamiliar flowers in this palace. Now."

"Why would His Highness do that to his best friend?"

"I don't know. Make sure Jungwon doesn't consume the flower again.

He nodded and led her back into the palace.

Yeonseo secretly peeked into the bedroom, seeing her husband already fast asleep. She grinned to herself before stepping in. She saw an unknown book wide open on the desk.

The Memoir Of  Yang Yeongwon.

She traced the big letters on the cover and chuckled.

The second page.


You may feel like I don't care about you sometimes. But if you ever read this memoir, I just want you to know how much I love you. And you can always come to me for advice.

I may probably not be there for you most of the time, but I love you, Yeongwon-ah. Please listen to your mother and love her.

Yeonseo's hands trembled as she held the book. Tears came out continuously, making it more difficult for her to suppress her whimpers and sobs.

She closed the book and approached the bed. She got on it and went into Jungwon's embrace. The nobleman felt her warm body against his and tightened his arms around her, "Yeonseo-yah..."

She sobbed and buried her face into his chest. He opened his eyes slowly and asked, "Are you crying?"

"No. I accidentally inhaled dust just now."

He chuckled softly and kissed her forehead before gently brushing her hair with his fingers.

"I love you, Jungwon."

"I love you more, my queen."

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