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• The Last Test •

Yeonseo smirked as she eyed the candidates standing in front of her. Although Queen Dowager Kim had died, Sunoo had ordered for the suitor test to go on. That made her annoyed and frustrated. Hopefully, the last test will chase the candidates away.

She had requested for the king to not participate in the test. Only Mr Bae and Baekhee. They were all at the pavilion, standing still and silent. Yeonseo glanced at Sunghoon who had his eyes straight to the lake.

No one likes a perverted woman. I'll make them embarrassed and awkward.

Mr Bae looked at the princess hesitantly. He was still shocked and speechless when she told him about the last test. Baekhee kept her head lowered, mentally cursing at herself for what was about to happen.

"The last test will be the most important of all time. I am a woman. I have needs," Yeonseo said as she walked around each candidate. "There's a reason why I tested your stamina through sports. You also have to have a strong stamina in..."


Sunghoon choked on his saliva. The other candidates looked at her in disbelief. She sighed, "What? Do you think you're the only one who can decide when to have sex or not? I can too. And for me to get married, I want my future husband to have a great body and good stamina."

She pointed at Mr Bae, "Let the test begin!"

Shit, shit, shit, shit! Maybe this is a bad idea.

Mr Bae sighed in defeat before announcing, "All the candidates shall take off their tops!"

Yeonseo wanted to scream, roll around, curse at herself and even jump into the lake for creating the test. But she had to do anything that can chase them away. The candidates glanced at each other, feeling hesitant.

She smirked, if they refuse then they'll fail and I get to be single for life!

Sunghoon let out a heavy sigh before unbuttoning his top. She widened her eyes in surprise, "Yah, what are you doing?"

"I'm obeying the test?"

She laughed nervously and looked away as Mr Bae wrote some notes in his paper. She hesitantly peeked, counting his abs.

Wow, he's really hot.

Pull yourself together, you whore!

The other candidates gave in and unbuttoned their tops. She gasped at how they all looked hot and breathtaking. She immediately turned around, "Everyone failed! You all don't have the type of body that I want!"

Baekhee and Mr Bae watched as she left the pavilion. The male servant exhaled heavily, "You may all wear back your tops."


Yeonseo immediately scurried to the library and slammed the doors close. She turned around and jumped at the sight of Jungwon reading a book at the table.

"You scared me," she murmured as she held her chest. He was still silent, focused on the thick book he had. She approached him slowly and took a peek at the words on the page he was reading.

"I thought you're examining the last test with the suitor candidates?" He asked, eyes still on the page. She frowned and sat across from him, "They all failed."

He finally looked at her and closed the book, "Why?"

How should I answer him? Wait.

Why should I?

She eyed him up and down before standing up and walking to the bookshelves. "They just don't have the thing that I need."

"Such as?"

She frowned, "Can we not talk about it?"

Because I'm a dumb pervert and it'll chase you away too.

"Okay," he nodded and continued reading his book. She thanked God that he didn't ask any more questions. She took a deep breath before taking a few books.

She went back to the table and opened the first one. Her eyes slowly looked at him, seeing his ethereal face so focused on the page he was at.

"Why do I still have to choose a suitor? The Queen has passed away. Shouldn't the tests stop?"

"It's His Majesty's orders. I'm sure he has a good reason for making you marry one of them."

"Well, instead of worrying about my relationship, he should be marrying someone or he'll die as a pathetic loser," she murmured.

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