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I'm walking down the aisle right now in a white wedding gown. All the guests are smiling. And I could even see Sunoo at the front seat. Jungwon was standing at the front, waiting for me to reach him.

He looked so handsome and ethereal. He held my hand when I reached him and kissed the back of my hand tenderly. I can hear Baekhee sobbing in her seat.

Yeonseo immediately sat up straight, breathing heavily. She held her chest which was in pain as she tried to recall the memory again. The memory of Princess Yeonseo getting married to Jungwon.

Her bedroom was dark and gloomy. Only a candle was lit to give the room a dim light. She got off the bed and stared at the sky from the window.

"Is he okay there?" She asked herself, thinking about the nobleman. The bedroom doors opened, revealing Baekhee with a cup of tea.

She entered the room and bowed, "Your Highness, I have prepared you a chamomile tea. It is to help you with your problem of sleeping."

She nodded and motioned for her to put the cup on the table. The court lady obeyed before asking, "What are you thinking, Your Highness?"

"I wonder if Jungwon already ate. Could I possibly visit the West too?"

Baekhee widened her eyes, "Your Highness, it may not be safe for now. Let's just wait for further information."

"You're right. It'll be bad if the West King still doesn't want to stop the wars."

Yeonseo drank her tea, "What did you put in this? It's sweet."

"The royal physician told me to add some medicine for your headaches. The King also told me to make sure you're eating your medicine."

"Thank you. You may leave," the princess said before averting her gaze back to the window. Baekhee nodded and bowed before leaving the room.


Jungwon scratched the back of his neck as he yawned sleepily. He silently went to the pavilion and saw Jake drinking tea there. Numerous questions appeared in his mind.

Why is he drinking tea there late at night?

Jake saw him and chuckled before motioning him to join. Jungwon couldn't help but obey the king's orders. He bowed, "Your Majesty," before taking a seat.

"You must be wondering why I'm drinking tea alone outside at this hour," the king said before pouring himself another cup.

He handed Jungwon the cup and smiled, "Taste it."

The nobleman obeyed and looked at the drink out of amazement, "That's so delicious."

"It's our famous jasmine tea. I drink it every time I can't sleep. I'm sure you need it too."

The nobleman finished his drink and hesitantly asked, "May I have another cup, Your Majesty?"

Jake laughed in amusement and poured him some, "I'm glad you like it, Lord Yang. I can have the workers pack you some before you go back home."


Jake smiled at the servants greeting him before entering his office. He flinched when he saw Sunghoon sitting on a seat across the desk. "What are you doing here?" The King asked.

"Are you really negotiating with the East? I thought we had a deal."

"I don't see anything wrong with it. Now, go. I have some work to do."

"I gave you a hundred gold bars, Your Majesty. How can you do this to me?"

"Who says I'm breaking off the deal? You said you want to get rid of the nobleman. I'm doing that while negotiating with the East Kingdom. I'm not ruining your plan."

Sunghoon furrowed his eyebrows, "What did you do?"

Jake frowned at the prince before taking out a purple flower from his drawer. The flower was small but beautiful. Anyone would've plucked it out whenever they see it.

"It's just a flower."

"It's not just a flower. This is a poisonous flower that our family have been using for generations. We use it to kill people that got in our way. Lord Yang won't die right away. He'll suffer from the symptoms first. Make him drink the jasmine tea I gave him frequently."

Sunghoon chuckled and held the flower, taking a closer look at it.

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