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If you ever find this book, make sure to keep it safe. Do you want to know how I met your father? It was a hectic day at that time. He was a very annoying man. He kept calling me selfish for being too clueless about my surroundings.

Well, maybe he's right? But in the end, he married me. So my advice is, never hate someone too much. Remember that, my son.

Yeonseo chuckled to herself before closing her son's journal. She put down the brush pen she was holding and slowly stood up. Her legs unconsciously brought her to the window. She opened it and let the fresh air brush against her skin.

What day is today? Is dad okay? The school must be having an exam at this time.

Too many thoughts crowded her mind. She turned around and felt pain in her womb. Clear liquid started trickling down her legs. She whimpered in pain before kneeling on the floor.

"Help," she breathed out, facing the door. The guards outside the room heard the call but were too hesitant to enter.

They both opened the door slowly and gasped at the sight of the princess laying on the floor, groaning in pain. "Tell the midwife! The princess is about to give birth!"


Heejin went to the infirmary and waited for the guards to open the door. She entered the room and saw Yeonseo screaming in pain as the midwife told her to be strong.

She sat next to the princess and held her hand, "It's okay, Yeonseo-yah."

"It hurts," the said princess breathed out, "Jungwon is not here."

"I know. It's okay, Yeonseo. He'll be back soon," Heejin said and caressed her hand. After almost an hour, the sounds of a male baby crying could be heard. The midwife gasped happily and held the baby in her arms tenderly before handing it to the mother, "Yang Yeongwon is here, Your Highness."

Yeonseo gulped down her saliva as her trembling arms held him. Heejin carefully put an arm to support the baby since Yeonseo's arms were weak. The court maids started wiping the princess's legs that were painted with her blood.

The princess started breathing calmly again before closing her eyes. Heejin immediately took the baby to prevent him from falling. "The princess is a bit tired. Let her rest for a moment."

"Should I send a message about Lord Yang's son to the North, Your Majesty?" The midwife asked. "That would be lovely. Thank you," Heejin smiled.


Jungwon walked next to Jay as they both talked about random things. A male servant came running towards them out of the blue. Jay looked at him with pure confusion, "What's wrong?"

The male servant gathered his strength and panted for a while, "Lord Yang, Her Royal Highness, Princess Yeonseo has given birth."

The nobleman's eyes widened out of shock, "What?! Already?"

The Crowned Prince patted Jungwon's back happily, "This is great news!"

"Your Highness, if you'll excuse me, may I go back to the East? I need to see my wife."

"You should. I'll come with you," Jay said before following the nobleman from behind.


It was already nighttime. The only sounds that were in Yeonseo's bedroom were her and Yeongwon's little snores. She opened her eyes slowly and saw her son sleeping soundly in his cot.

She weakly sat up straight and got off the bed to take a closer look at him. She grinned at the sight of his small fingers moving. Her hands reached to hold him when a sudden noise startled her from the other side of the door.

Sounds of footsteps could be heard loudly outside the room. She was sure the Queen had ordered the guards to not guard directly in front of the room to give her some privacy.

Her heart started racing at an uneasy pace. She immediately rushed to the closet and took out a sword that belonged to Jungwon. He had hidden the sword there in case there were any emergencies.

She breathed in and out heavily, her hands trembling as they held the heavy sword. After a few minutes, the hallway outside became silent again.

Until there was a sound of a sword stabbing someone and a sound of a body falling to the floor. She flinched in fear and instantly ran to her son before holding him in her arms.

Her free hand still held the sword, holding it towards the door.

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