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Yeonseo frowned in her sleep when she heard a woman sobbing next to her bed. She opened her eyes slowly and saw Baekhee crying with her head hung low. She sighed and turned to the other side, earning the court lady by surprise.

Baekhee let out a startled gasp, "You're awake, Your Highness!"

"You're disturbing my beauty sleep," Yeonseo sighed as she tried to find a comfortable position on the bed. She let out a yelp when her chest came in contact with the mattress.

"Your wound is not healed yet, Your Highness," Baekhee said and helped her sit up straight. "I'll kill the person who shot an arrow at me," Yeonseo said again, clenching the blanket.

"His Majesty and Lord Yang have been so worried about you, Your Highness. You have been unconscious for five days already."

"What? That's so long!" Yeonseo scowled before jumping out of bed. Baekhee wanted to tell her to change into a decent gown but gave up. The princess sure has a habit of running around in her nightwear.

Yeonseo walked through the hallway as she admired the bright blue sky. The sunlight shined through the windows. She blinked her eyes continuously to adapt to the sudden brightness.

Baekhee quickly scurried after her to make sure that she didn't hurt herself. Yeonseo was about to step out of the palace before hearing the court lady yell, "Stop!"

She gave Baekhee a confused look before seeing her putting down a pair of shoes, "I know you're going to go outside. And I have given up telling you to change. So I have prepared a pair of shoes in case you need them."

Yeonseo smiled and patted the maid's back, "Thanks."

Baekhee watched as the princess's figure disappeared in her sight. She smiled widely and stared at the sky, Your Highness, I am tired of nagging at you because you won't even listen to my advice and orders. You can do whatever you want now. I'll just stand here and smile.


Yeonseo slowly headed to her garden, smiling at the workers that greeted her as they passed by. She entered the garden and saw a male figure standing in front of the pond. He was silently watching the fishes swimming around.

As soon as the male figure turned around, her heart stopped beating. The flowers in the garden were blooming as their petals fell slowly. Her heart continued beating at an unusual pace.

Wait. Why am I feeling like this? Is this Kim Yeonseo's feelings?

Or mine?

And why is everything moving in slow motion? Why is there a halo above his head?

The nobleman's eyes widened at the sight of her standing in front of him. He too was admiring her from the pond.

She looked like a flower that was blooming beautifully, he thought to himself. They both still stared at each other for a while, none of them wanted to break eye contact.

Did Kim Yeonseo feel like this too? Why do the petals fall beautifully? It's making the heartbeat worse.

He cleared his throat and took slow steps towards her. She frowned again, confused at why everything was moving in slow motion. She finally came back to her senses and pushed his chest aggressively, making sure he doesn't come near.

He groaned in pain and held his chest, "Your Highness," he bowed. "Forgive me," he breathed out, still bowing.

She sighed and closed her eyes, "What are you doing here?"

"I was waiting for you."

Damn it!

She gave a death glare at the nobleman. She stepped closer towards him before pointing her index finger at him, "Don't say that! You'll make me feel weird!"


She eyed him up and down before stepping away. He cleared his throat again, awkwardly glancing at her. "I was just waiting for you to–"

"Don't say that!"

"But I was just waiting–"

"I said don't use that sentence!" She yelled back. He gulped in fear, "I waited here to thank you for saving the kingdom, Your Highness. If you didn't send a letter to the North, we all would have been dead by now."

She averted her gaze to her favourite flowers, tulips, that were decorated in a row near the roses. "I saw my mother bleeding on the bed. She's dead, huh?"

Jungwon lowered his gaze, "I'm sorry for your loss, Your Highness."

"How's Sunoo?" Her question made him let out a tired sigh. "He wants to be alone," he murmured. She nodded and turned around to walk away. That was until her foot accidentally missed a step.

Jungwon immediately held her in his arms before she even get to fall to the ground. They both locked eyes once again.

Is this really Kim Yeonseo's feelings? Or mine?

His strong hands held her firmly. These were also the hands that held her close to him when she got shot with an arrow. The sudden memory of her caressing his cheek crossed her mind.

Her eyes widened in shock and she quickly pushed him away. "No, no, no. I promised myself to change the history! I will not be close to you. I thought I already told you to stay away from me!"

"But I was just helping you so that you won't fall–"

"Shush!" She glared before leaving the garden. Instead of feeling annoyed, he flashed a smile. Instead of judging her for being crazy and weird, he actually enjoyed watching her. He shook his head as he let out a soft chuckle, "You amazed me, princess."

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