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The days went on as usual. Yeonseo received concerned glances from the workers as she headed to the kitchen with a straight face. To her surprise, Jungwon was already there, packing some food into a picnic basket. She stood in the doorway and watched him awkwardly, standing like a statue.

He noticed her staring and grinned, "Will you help me pack the food?"

She didn't complain and obeyed. She approached him silently and started packing some of her favourite meals into the basket. He attentively observed her before releasing a soft chuckle.

"Why are we having a picnic out of a sudden?" She asked before closing the basket.

"I want to see your smile again. I missed your giggles and your excited voice."


"Yeonseo, Baekhee's death is not your fault. She would be so sad to find out you're still depressed over her death. She would want you to keep moving on with your life and take care of the child in your womb."

She gulped down her saliva before nodding. He caressed her cheek before kissing her head, "Get ready. Wear something casual for the picnic."

The nobleman made sure his wife's hand was intertwined with his. He glanced at her, worried that she might miss her step. They both walked up the hill, feeling the fresh wind breeze brushing against their skin.

"I'm not going to fall. You can stop looking," she said blankly before letting go of his hand. He stopped in his tracks, "You're more silent than usual."

"I'm always like this."

"No, you're not. You always yell at me. And then, you always slap me. Or cursing some vulgar words at me. I miss it when you do that."

She couldn't help but laugh, "Yah, you should hate when I do that. Who in the right mind would like his wife doing that?"


She smacked his arm gently and walked ahead of him, "I did that because you annoy me. But now, you don't. So why would I do that?"

"I don't know. I just enjoyed the time you scold me for the dumbest reasons."

Yeonseo turned around and gave him a death stare, "Hey, it's not the dumbest reason. I had my own reasons why I scolded you."

He laughed and leaned in for a kiss on her lips. She felt his soft lips kissing hers tenderly. Seeing his smile made her realise how deep her love was for him.

He walked ahead of her, "Come," as he led the way. She clenched the hem of her dress as her lips curved into a small frown. She just remembered that they both were born in different eras.

She was just a normal high school student who got backstabbed by her ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend. And he is Yang Jungwon, a nobleman who was meant to be with the princess, Kim Yeonseo.

She felt her heart shattering into small pieces. Although she and the princess shared the same body, they both were still different people. And the woman Jungwon loved was actually Kim Yeonseo, not her.

She scurried toward him before hugging him from the back. He flinched out of surprise before relaxing himself in her embrace.

Yeonseo buried her face into his broad back as she let her eyes shed a tear.


"My lady! His Royal Highness, Prince Sunghoon has come to visit you," one of the court maids announced. Sunghoon stood straight as he held a tray of a teapot and a small cup.

Heejin opened the door to her bedroom and bowed, "Your Highness."

"How have you been? Am I bothering your studying session?" He asked as he stepped into the room.

She let out a nervous chuckle, "Not at all, Your Highness. I was just tidying up the books."

Heejin had been appointed to stay at the palace before her official wedding with Sunoo. She had been studying hard about the royal rules and etiquette in becoming the Queen Consort.

"I brought you some tea," Sunghoon said as he poured some sugar into the teapot. She watched as he stirred the tea with a few flower petals in it.

He tried to suppress his smirk, one of the things that the poisonous flower can do is cause infertility.

He cleared his throat and handed her the teacup, watching her gulp down to the last drop. "This is delicious, Your Highness. This jasmine tea must come from the West. I heard it's very famous there."

"It is. The King gave a huge amount of them as a souvenir."

He watched as she poured herself some tea before drinking it again. He faked a smile, "Congratulations on becoming the future Queen Consort, my lady."

"Thank you, Your Highness. Do you perhaps, have any advice for me?"


"Being a Queen Consort sounds like a huge responsibility. I have my concerns by just thinking about it."

He chuckled, "You should relax, my lady. I'm sure Sunoo would be a great husband to you. The main job for a Queen Consort is to give the king an heir to the throne. And also help him rule the kingdom."

"If you fail to give him an heir, you might just have to watch him appoint as many concubines as he like. That is why giving the king an heir is very very important."

She nodded nervously before drinking the tea silently, lowering her head.

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