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The familiar sounds of people calling the customers to visit their shops were cheering Yeonseo's mood. She smiled at the sellers as she passed their shops. Jungwon walked behind her, flashing a proud smile as he watched her talk to the sellers.

They both stopped by at a shop that sold traditional snacks. Her eyes widened at the sight of her father's favourite crackers. Her father would always buy them from a store in her hometown. They both would always eat on the bench in front of her grandparents' house.

"Delicious snacks for a pretty lady!" The seller exclaimed. "Jungwon, come try this!" She called the nobleman before looking at him, seeing him grimaced at the snacks.

"A nobleman does not eat a low-class snack," he said and looked away, avoiding her glare. "How would you know if you never try them?" She rolled her eyes before paying the seller.

She broke the cracker into a small piece before holding it near his mouth, "Try this!"

"No!" He held her hand as he tried to push it away. She managed to stuff the piece into his mouth and waited for his reaction. He slowly munched the snack and faked a cough, "That was okay."

"See? I told you it's delicious."

"We should get more of these," he said before heading back to the shop. "But these crackers are huge! You shouldn't buy more."

He came back with three of the same large crackers. "Wah," she eyed him as she bit into her snack. They both continued walking to explore more of the shops. He turned around and saw a carriage heading towards their way.

He held both of Yeonseo's shoulders before bringing her to his other side. The carriage passed them, making them breathe in and out nervously.

"That was close," he muttered under his breath. He didn't realise that the princess's cheeks were slowly warming up. She felt her heart fluttered as her stomach created an uneasy feeling.

He let go of her shoulders and flashed a smile at her, "Let's go."

She noticed his cute dimples and chuckled. Since when does he have dimples? Why didn't I notice them?


Jay exhaled tiredly as he waited for Jungwon to come back with the princess. An hour had passed, making the guests groan frustratedly. The royal workers blew their horns, informing them that the king has arrived.

Sunoo walked in with a straight face and saw that Yeonseo wasn't in her seat. He turned around and leaned towards Mr Bae before whispering, "Where the hell is the princess?"

"Your Majesty, Her Highness has run away an hour ago. She is nowhere to be seen."

"What?!" Sunoo yelled, making the other guests jump in surprise. "Then, why the hell are you not searching for her?"

"We are, Your Majesty. I have sent some guards to search for her. Please do not be angry at her, Your Majesty."

"Cancel the banquet. I can't stand having her embarrassing me again like this," the king said before stomping away from the banquet.


Yeonseo and Jungwon went to a lake where festivals were always being held there. She went there before with Sunghoon and was amazed at how empty the lake looked without lanterns floating around.

They both walked to the bridge in the middle of the lake, seeing how fireflies were flying around. "This is nice. I don't feel trapped at all," she breathed out.

He grinned and looked at the night sky, "This sure feels nice."

She glanced at his arm before gathering the courage to hug it. He was startled at the sudden contact but didn't question it. He relaxed as she rested her head against his shoulder. Instead of being uncomfortable, he felt warm and nice.

"Your Highness, how did you know that the West was going to attack the palace?"

"Would you believe if I say I came from the future?" She asked out of the blue. He laughed softly, "What if I say I believe you? Enlighten me with what will happen in the future."

She thought for a while, "Um, first, there will be vehicles."

"What is a vehicle?"

"We don't use carriages anymore. There will be things that use engines to transport humans," she said, confused on how to explain it to him.

He was also confused but didn't ask any further. "And then?"

"Then, everyone will attend school and be given education. Not just royal families and noble families."

"I like that. Everyone is equal and deserve the same education," he said. She looked at him and realised he was doing the same too. They both locked their gazes for a while, enjoying their moment together.

"You might not know this, but you're the best person I've ever known," she said as she lowered her gaze shyly.

He smiled softly at the sight of her head hanging low. She kept her eyes at her feet, trying to hide her blushing face.

"I want to kiss you, Your Highness. I really do. But I'm not sure if I can."

He frowned and turned around, facing his back towards her. Her heart dropped at his words.

"You can. I want it too."

After hearing her words, he immediately turned back around and grabbed her arm before pulling her towards him. He cupped her cheek with his free hand before leaning in for a kiss.

They both cherished the moment under the moonlight. With fireflies flying around creating romantic scenery.

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