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"Your Highness! You must not bother the King's meeting!" Baekhee called for Yeonseo as she ran after her from behind. The princess ran at a fast pace towards the library.

She slammed the doors open and barged in, making Sunoo, Sunghoon and Jungwon flinch out of shock. The King frowned, "Why are you here, Yeonseo–"

"It's going to be bad. The war."

"How did you know–"

"Of course, I know! What? Do you think I've been living under a rock? I know about the death of the five court maids and all that. I know that the West has sent a warning to threaten us."

"It's none of your business, princess. We'll handle it," Sunghoon held both of her shoulders, trying to make her leave. She glanced at Jungwon, seeing him giving her an 'I'm-so-sorry-I-can't-do-anything' look.

"Sunoo, the West Kingdom will create an unforgettable war that'll harm everyone in this kingdom. You have to listen to me. Our kingdom will face huge damage and loss."

"How do you know? What if it's just a warning? The West has always been sending warnings to us. But they never initiate a war. This is just to scare us," Sunoo argued back, "Baekhee, take her away from this room."

Baekhee couldn't do anything but obeyed. She muttered an apology for the princess to hear before ordering two palace guards to drag her out of the library. Yeonseo turned around, "Please! At least get some help from the other kingdoms! There will be war!"

Sunoo sighed and sat down, rubbing his temple. Sunghoon exhaled heavily, "Should we consider the princess's words? About getting help from the other kingdoms?"

"It is a great idea after all. We can start with the North Kingdom," Jungwon said.


It was late at night. The clouds were clearing the dark sky, letting the moon shine. Yeonseo stood at the gazebo in her garden, watching the stars twinkle. Her heart felt uneasy ever since Jungwon said that the kingdom has received a warning.

She punched the wooden pillar that she was leaning against, making Baekhee flinch. The court lady lowered her gaze, "Are you still frustrated about what happened in the library, Your Highness?"

"Why won't he listen to me?" Her voice broke at the end of the sentence. She squatted down and sighed, "He has to at least consider my words. Jungwon will talk to him, right? He looks like he agreed to my suggestion. He will talk to Sunoo, right?"

"I'm not sure, Your Highness," Baekhee looked at her sadly, "If you are really right about the war, what will happen then, Your Highness?"

Yeonseo glanced at her hesitantly, should I tell her?

She cleared her throat, "The kingdom will fall apart. Sunoo will be injured really really bad. Everyone will–"

She gave the court lady a frightened look, "Die."

Baekhee's heart dropped, "If your assumption is true, then what should we do?"

The princess was about to answer until there was a loud frightening sound. The sound of a gun shooting someone. They both flinched and stood close to each other, "What was that?"

"Stay close to me, Your Highness. That was a gunshot," Baekhee said, starting to feel panic. Their hearts were racing, hoping to God that they would be safe.

The calm and peaceful empty garden became dark and eerie, creating an uneasy tension. Yeonseo held her gown as she slowly took a few steps towards the entrance. The palace became unexpectedly quiet and empty.

There were no guards or workers that walked around like they always do. "Your Highness, I'm scared," Baekhee whimpered. Yeonseo held her hand, "Stay close to me."

She slowly walked away from the garden and wandered around, trying to find out the cause of the gunshot sound. A strong hand suddenly cupped her mouth tightly, making her flinch in shock.

Yeonseo was about to hit the man until his voice whispered from behind her, "Shh, it's me. It's okay."


She turned around and saw him already in black attire. It looked like he was ready to go to war. He held his sword tightly in his free hand, "The West has invaded the palace. You must go to a safer place. The guards will guard your room until the invasion ends."

"Wait! What about my brother?"

"He's with Jungwon," he assured her. He noticed that she was still worried and tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear. He caressed her cheek and smiled softly, "It's going to be okay."

She gulped and nodded, letting him pull her back into the palace. He led her to her bedroom and looked at the guards, "Guard this room and make sure no one enters. Not even court ladies. We can't trust anyone tonight."

She went into the room and heard that the doors were locked from the outside. She exhaled heavily and sat at the edge of her bed, "Please be okay, Sunoo-yah."

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