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Sunoo slammed his brush pen hard on the table. He rubbed his temple silently as his lips turned into a frown. Jungwon and Sunghoon who was sitting across from him exchanged confused glances.

"Is there something wrong, Your Majesty?" Sunghoon asked. Sunoo leaned back against his chair and let out a heavy exhale.

"I'm tired of being threatened by the West all the time. I planned to go there and make peace with their kingdom."

Sunghoon's heart dropped at the sudden wish. He cleared his throat, "Your Majesty–"

"I think that is a great idea, Your Majesty. The only way to solve this problem is to meet them and discuss it," Jungwon interrupted his words. The prince gave a silent glare at the nobleman, clenching his jaw.

Jungwon looked at him to see if he also agreed to his suggestion. Sunghoon faked a smile and looked at Sunoo again, "I think that's a bad idea. What if the West takes advantage of your idea of discussing the problem? What if this is an easy way for them to attack you?"

Sunoo thought about it again after his seventh cousin declined. "Then, what is your advice?"

"I say we should just stay put and keep our guards up."

Jungwon sighed and frowned, "If we don't do anything, many accidents can happen in the future. For example, the death of Her Majesty, Queen Dowager Kim. It could happen to the princess or even you, Your Majesty."

Sunoo scowled when the nobleman mentioned his late mother. Sunghoon sneered, "Then, what should we do, Lord Yang?"

"We can make peace with the West Kingdom, Your Majesty. Maybe we can visit the kingdom and send them gifts such as gold or diamonds. It could also maintain a good relationship with them."

"That's a great idea, Jungwon-ah," Sunoo exclaimed happily. Sunghoon scoffed in disbelief as he glared at the nobleman.

"I want the workers to prepare a chest of gold and a chest of diamonds. We'll go to the West in a few days," Sunoo ordered before leaving the office. Jungwon bowed at the prince before following the king from behind.

Sunghoon laughed frustratedly and slammed his fist against the table, feeling anger rising inside him.

Damn you, Yang Jungwon.


The garden was peaceful and calm with the birds singing their melody. Yeonseo silently painted tulips on her canvas, referring to the vase of tulips that Baekhee placed in front of her.

The court lady was amazed as she watched the princess blend the white paint so smoothly. "I never knew you could paint, Your Highness."

"Painting is my favourite hobby."

Their conversation soon was interrupted with the arrival of Heejin. The noblewoman bowed and smiled at them, "Forgive me for bothering you, Your Highness. I came to give you something."

She approached the princess and placed a box of desserts on the table. "Wow! Did you make this by yourself, my lady?" Baekhee exclaimed happily. Heejin chuckled, "Yes. Please help yourself with the desserts."

The noblewoman then gave Yeonseo a packet of her favourite crackers, "Lord Yang told me to give you this."

Yeonseo couldn't help but blush. She took the crackers and broke a small piece before eating it. Heejin stared at her painting in awe, "You do have a talent in painting, Your Highness."

The Princess was about to thank her but stopped at the sight of Sunghoon entering the garden. He smiled at Heejin and Baekhee, "Would you both please leave us alone for a second? I would like to have a word with the princess."

Yeonseo's heart started beating at a nervous pace. Heejin bowed at her before leaving the garden. Baekhee was about to leave but stopped when Yeonseo pulled the hem of her sleeve.

"I'll be back, Your Highness," she smiled to give her some assurance before walking away.

Waiting for the prince to speak was like waiting for the exam results. That was what Yeonseo thought. She sat at the table as she watched him stand near the wooden pillar of the gazebo.

He then averted his gaze at her and flashed his infamous smirk. "You painted the tulips so well."

She looked away and played with her fingers anxiously, "If you don't have anything to say, I'll be leaving."

He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer. Her eyes widened as she placed her hands against his chest, trying to free herself.

"Let me go!"

He pulled her into his embrace and whispered, "Stay still."

She breathed in and out heavily as her hands started to tremble out of fear. Sunghoon averted his attention to the entrance, seeing Jungwon staring at them with startled eyes.

Jungwon's heart dropped at the sight of the princess and the prince hugging each other. He sighed and turned around, walking away.

Sunghoon chuckled and pushed Yeonseo away from him. "I just wanted to see you. I'll be leaving now."

"Crazy bastard," she murmured before dusting off her dress.

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