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Now, I understand how Kim Yeonseo feels when she meets Yang Jungwon. I used to hate him but now, my heart flutters when I see him. How I wish he still exists in the present time. Has he reincarnated again like I am?

Is he the same age as I am? I wonder. If he is, which school does he go to? What family is he from? All the questions keep running in my mind. Thinking about how I keep promising myself to stay away from him makes me laugh in embarrassment.

I never knew my words could eat me back. I'm starting to wonder if I could stay here forever and be with him.

Yeonseo put down her brush pen and closed her journal. She glanced at the window, seeing the night sky greeting her. The library was empty and silent, creating a peaceful and calm atmosphere.

"I wonder what he's doing now," she murmured as she rested her cheek on her palm. The door suddenly opened, revealing Sunghoon. He walked in and bowed at her before walking towards the bookshelves.

"What are you doing at this hour, princess?"

She fixed her posture, "Just writing."

He approached her and stood by the window, staring at the bright moon, "It's a full moon tonight."

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" She smiled and exhaled heavily. A thought crossed his mind, "I want to ask you something."

She hummed in response, waiting for him to speak. She watched as he dragged a chair next to her and sat down.

"When the West Kingdom invaded the palace, did you reach the North to help us?"

She nodded, "I did. I thought it's better to get some help in case our soldiers weren't prepared enough to protect the people in the palace."

He let out a scoff, "How did you know the palace was going to get invaded? Can you see the future or something?"

Yeonseo felt an uneasy feeling in her stomach. She tried scooting away from him, feeling fear rising inside her. Sunghoon stood up and held her shoulder, putting pressure on it.

"I would like you to stop interrupting our plans to protect the kingdom, princess. You should've just let me handle the invasion. But instead, you sent a letter to the North and ruined my plan. I was supposed to handle it and win the king's trust."

She couldn't answer anything. Sunghoon's words were piercing her chest as they frightened her. He looked at her with intense eyes, "Can you do that, princess?"

He released her shoulder before walking to the door. The door opened and revealed Jungwon who was holding a few thick books. The nobleman gave them confused glances, looking at them back and forth.

Sunghoon smiled at him and patted his back before leaving the room. Yeonseo fiddled with her fingers as she felt her heart start racing nervously. Sunghoon's warning was scaring her.

Jungwon approached her, "Hey, what's wrong?"

She looked at him with teary eyes, "Nothing."

"Did something happen? What did you and Sunghoon talk about?"

"About the previous palace invasion."

He frowned and took a seat next to her, "Why did he talk about that?"

"I was supposed to handle it and win the king's trust."

Sunghoon's words still lingered in her mind. Jungwon's questions became muffled as the thought of Sunghoon conquered her mind.

Does he have anything to do with the invasion?

The question kept crossing her thoughts. She flinched when Jungwon held her trembling hands. Her body relaxed when he caressed her hands.

He flashed her a smile, making her cheeks blush. She cleared her throat and slapped his hands away, "Don't do that! You're making me feel things!"


"Yeah and I don't like it. It makes my stomach hurt."

He burst into laughter and rested his cheek against his palm, admiring her. She bore her eyes into his, realising that they were a bit brownish. She could even see her reflection in them.


He hummed in response. "Should we get married?" Her question earned him by surprise. He choked on his saliva and coughed continuously, "What?"

"You don't have to act so surprisedly. You're going to marry me anyway," she rolled her eyes. "What?" He asked, still dumbfounded and clueless. "Your Highness, don't you think it's too fast to think about marriage?"

She let out a scoff, "Just say that you're scared."

He chuckled and held her hand, "I want to cherish every moment I spend with you. And I would love to marry you one day. But it would be better if we take things slow and get to know each other. So that we won't regret our decisions in the future."

She felt butterflies in her stomach again. She slapped his hand away, "Stop! I told you not to do that!"

"Do what?" He looked at her with his big, clear eyes. She blushed and looked away, "Don't look at me like that! You're making me feel things!"

He scooted closer to her and giggled, leaning closer, "Like what?"

"Oh! Stop it!" She pushed him away and ran around the room as she was being chased by him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and leaned closer. She closed her eyes and waited for him to kiss her.

All she felt was a quick kiss on her forehead. "Yah! I thought you wanted to kiss me!" She whined. He laughed and walked away.

She felt frustration taking over her chest. She stomped towards the door, ignoring his apologies. He scurried towards her and grabbed her hand before letting her lean against the wall.

"I'll be serious this time," he said and leaned closer. Their lips were about to touch as they both closed their eyes.

The door suddenly slammed open. Yeonseo immediately pushed Jungwon away from her at the sight of Sunoo standing at the doorway. The nobleman groaned in pain as he fell on his bum.

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