She's leaving

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Hi whoever is reading , this is just a fan fiction that a freind is supposed to read because we love her<3

Ollies pov :

I don't believe it , carley is actually leaving me today she said we will still hang out together outside school . I literally just know that it's just not gonna be the same we mostly see each other in school and in classes we even eat lunch together I'm always with her , or with Alan .

I'm way too tired I can't even walk . And I still have to walk to the bus stop . But it's worth it to see carley , I can't wait to see her , for the last time
In school .

I was pretty much 20 minutes late but the teachers at the desk see me so much they just let me off every time now . I have like five minutes till the bell goes so I'm surprising carley at her form . I wanna be around her for the entire day there's no way I'm leaving her side.

I went with carley to break and decided I'm gonna leave her to her friends since she will probably see them even less than me . I saw Alan talking to serenity through the window on the stairs. I smiled looking at Alan's curly and puffy hair . They were talking about something dumb probably .

"Hey guys , what use doin ? " I said with an enthusiastic tone .

"Talking about Logan's weird hair transformation "
Serenity said as if it was a normal subject .

"Yeah i know right his hair was like , swooping down and then it was spiky and now I don't even know what it is " . Alan sure did seem to like looking at Logan .

I rolled my eyes and said " yeah sure " . Making sure to make direct eye contact with the brown haired boy . I saw nicole coming up to us by herself , without Anna , which I thought was pretty weird . But figured she was probably back somewhere with carley , she started speaking with Alan again I think she might have a crush on him but idk for sure . So I continued my conversation with serenity .

I saw something move towards us from my peripheral vision and it was Anna blabbing about some math notes or something to nicole . I saw Alan just standing there and I just wanted to hug him so I did . I found it funny when we act like we're about to fuck , but we don't actually have feelings for each other . Besides I have a girlfriend.

I slightly bent my head down so it looks rlly close . And he put his hands on the back of my neck. so I cupped his cheeks with my hands and pulled him even closer , my face was close to the crook of his neck . I stated pushing him slightly and he moved backwards . So I carried on walking with him. His arm sled further up mine while his other hand pulled me down closer .

Then I stopped and so did he we looked at all of their reactions , Anna looked surprised but with a huge smile saying ' omg did they actually just do that ' which just fed my massive ego . I turn my head to look at nicole and serenity. serenity has a smirk then smiles while nodding . Nicole just looks surprised but not fully with a slight hint of confused .

Anna started laughing , serenity had a little laugh then nicole also joined in with Alan also giggling along . I also started to giggle
The laughter died down pretty quick with a few giggle coming from Anna . Serenity said that someone should record what we were doing . Then Anna shouts pulling out her phone . So I wrapped my arms around Alan's waist while he wrapped his hand at the back of my neck ,while his arm wrapped around my back . Posing for the pics she's gonna take . She starts recording instead though so I bury my head in his shoulder and started walking closer into him .She panned the camera to serenity and nicole and stoped pointing her phone at us so I knew she had stopped recording .

I walked over staring at her phone having a look at the video . She laughed so I giggled .

" Hahaha , that's pretty funny " I said with a grin

" omg I'm defiantly sending this to carley " Anna laughed with serenity , also moving closer to have a look along with nicole .

" yeah so it , send it her " serenity added

I looked back and Anna was looking for her name on her bsf list so walked away because I knew carley would be fine with it she knows it's a joke I do it In front of her all the time and not only with Alan I do it with Colben all the time . Besides it's not like we're actually going to get together .

Cant wait to start the good parts :)
818 words

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