Where is she

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This stoy was again written for one of my freinds because we love her <3

Alan's pov :

Its Monday I cannot be bothered to fucking get out of bed . I haven't done anything over the weekend except play games and I barley slept last night this is fucking bullshit .

I haven't really spoken to anyone except serenity , paige and Logan . ' I wonder how Ollie's doing ' .
I bet he's gonna be wondering around like a lost dog without carley .

" urrrghhh" I grumble while getting changed .
' the bus is gonna leave soon ' I speed up my usually process while brushing my hair down stairs .

Time skip to break

I walk around to the usual spot we all just stand around talking . I see serenity already standing there speaking to another group of people . ' how did she get here so quick wtf ' I walk past her waiting for her to notice me and when she does she ends her sentence and walks over to me .

" have u seen Ollie he looks so sad today " she said softly with pity .

" no , does he look depressed " I said with an amused tone .

" yea , he looks terrible , almost like a lost puppy " she said with a slight giggle .

I laugh and serenity joins in . I see a curly haired mess walking towards us and got up from leaning on the wall . ' wow he actually does look like a zombie' .
I make sure he knows this .

" hey u look fucking terrible " I say with confidence

" heh , thanks Alan " he said sarcastically

" your welcome " I said just as sarcastic as him .

" what are use doing " he said changing the subject

" idk standing " replied serenity

I look around looking at everyone's faces I see Paige and Logan talking to Nikki and Emma . I see Nathaniel with one of his freinds close them not too far away I see Anna and nicole walking down .
Nicole looks miserable and Anna is smiling and talking to her while they walk . I wave and smile she waved back and smiled too . Nicole just didn't react . I immediately ask her how her days been her replying with a bad mood.

"Shit " as she always does . I look and she has a piece of toast in her hand so does Anna . Nicole walks towards her and puts a tissue in Anna's blazer pocket . I laugh and so does Ollie as we watch her grumble and walk to the bin which was only like 5 steps away . She comes back with another grumble and asks Ollie.

" how's it like not having carley around " Ollie looks at her and says normally

" sad" with a fake sniffle to insinuate crying. I smile at my friend fondly as I once again get up off the glass door and walk up to him .

" come here u big baby " I say holding my arms out towards him . He instantly wrapped his arms around me and snuggled into the crook of my neck .
' i can feel his warm breathe ' I shiver and break the hug , and look at him with a slight bit of shock .
He looks down at me and smiles slightly . I feel at ting at my throat ' I hope he's ok ' no he'll be fine Ollie can just hang out with us more often .

I hear the bell go and time stops as I watch him doing the walk of shame to his class room , being able to see his head hanging up and down as he walks . Serenity starts pulling me to walk with her as I'm still staring at Ollie .

" hurry up , lover boy " , she giggles at her own joke


This is the second chapter and I'm already drained 🥲😭
615 words

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