"That was funny"

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Hey it's me again , the writer and so the story continues. And we still love her <3

Alan's pov :

It was actually a lot more fun with Ollie than I expected, but that's probably because it was just the two of us and we have been getting closer recently .
After we hung out that day we've been together a lot more . After school we will get the bus together he will wait in my living room for me to get changed and he would talk to my mum sometimes . He said he didn't mind going out in his uniform until he got home so he was just always in his blazer so I'd give him hoodies if it was a particularly cold day , he would gladly accept them and granted I would never see those hoodies again .

During school we would walk to classes together , even though we're in completely different classes and we'd much often be late due to smoking in the bathrooms . We go into the same cubicle wich ever one of us had  a tooter would pull it and we'd slip in to casual convos while smoking . This went on for about a month .

We obviously carried on the joke of us being involved with each other and it was funny to say the least but sometimes I feel like even we will start getting shocked about the things we do like once during break . We actually did kiss and it wasn't a peck it was a full smooch then we ended up just holding on to each other . But nobody saw it because they were just used to us messing about like that so no one paid any attention to us . I swear sometimes he kisses my neck but I don't really know for sure because I'm usually talking to someone whilst we're being intimate since everyone knows it's a joke and they'd just start conversations with me while we're cuddling? And I'm not really paying attention to whatever he's doing to me .

Time skip to lunch

Everyone had finished whatever they'd gotten for lunch including me eating someone's leftovers like usual .

We had gotten up because someone spilled gravy on the table so we decided to walk away pretending it wasn't us even though we're the people known to sit in that spot .

I walked over to the large class windows where we always stand and talk at break . I felt ollies gaze piercing holes through my face while I was leaning on the glass door , so I looked back at him with a smirk, he smirked back and started walking up to me so I followed suit and also stood up looking up at him . Everyone was looking at us since no one had time to start a conversation. As I was looking somewhere else I felt a warm touch against me it was heartwarming to say the least I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I knew exactly who it was .

Hahahahaha another cliffhanger cuz I find it funny 😂
513 words.


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