"Yea sure "

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Yes 👍 I am writing again . Someone send me to bed :) also we love her <3

Ollie's pov :

It was Coben . I was gonna hug him and like flirt with him I guess but just because he was a homie .
So why do I feel sad , why does my heart feel like it's sinking , why am I annoyed that cobens here . Me and him are friends and we do exactly what me and alan do so why do I feel like this . I look at Coben and feel anger? Sad ? Annoyed? I don't even know but I know it's not good . whatever I feel towards towards him is making me want to curl up in a ball and cry put also it makes me want to hurt him deeply.

I carry on looking him and I notice alan was looking at me too so I smiled and laughed along with everyone trying to forget about the way I was feeling ' I'll just talk to carley about it ' I laughed through my teeth to get in the mood . I saw Alan's face morph into a sad and worried expression while he's still in the same position as before cuddling Coben . His arms around his back and yet he was looking at me .
Coben got his attention so his face went back to the smirk he had before , colben was talking about the fact they were going to the bathroom to fuck and "make out " when he said that he started walking towards the boys bathroom and alan actually followed him.

I felt rage wash over me ' why would he do that ' no why was I feeling like this I don't actually like him do I . No there's no way I was probably just pissed that we were supposed to be smoking buddies . So why do I feel this way. Watching them walk away together . It's just not a nice feeling to have I'm almost uncomfortable with the feeling it's giving to me .

They turned so I couldn't see him anymore ,Them so I couldn't see them I don't really care about them being together

Do I ?

" Hey Ollie u ok? " Anna said in a slightly worried tone .
"Yeah I'm fine " I replied adding a smile at the end just so that they don't know my true feelings towards whatever's going on .
" you sure , you look kinda sad " anna said with a hint of pity
" yea , yea , no I'm fine just chillen thinking about something I was supposed to do with carley " I lied I just don't want them to know and I think using carley as an excuse would throw them off .

" oh , yea how is she btw I haven't really been speaking to her much other than snaps " she said sounding enthusiastic at the topic of carley .
"Yea she's fine , but she's still obviously missing u guys " I said with a soft smile . Being honest I don't even know how carleys doing we haven't been FaceTiming and being around each other as much as we used to . But I think she probably does miss us why wouldn't she .
"Awww I miss carley she was so good to be around she like just makes everything happier I guess " Anna said looking as if she was re living memories with her . I nodded in agreement .

Out of my peripheral vision I see alan and Coben coming back . I decided I wouldn't look at them since I was still kind of angry but talking about carley did in fact make me slightly happier .

They approached us laughing about some joke they had . Alan stood next to me on my right and so Coben stood on his right which was a bit too close for comfort . He started touching him and started making the same bit as they were before . Coben saying that alan had a big d!(K and that they had a really nice fuck but the bathroom wasn't really comfortable . He then started slightly groping around the area of his d!(k which really didn't sit well with me but I kept my mouth shut none the less and laughed / smiled along . I started seeing red . My blazer was too hot these pants are too tight this belt is poking into me my face was red and sweaty .

The bell went off 'thank god ' perfect timing just got saved by the bell . I started briskly walking to the boys bathroom to cool off. As I got to the middle of the hall I turn my head and see alan following me . I smile and wait a sec for him to catch up with me we walk side by side not saying a single word just enjoying each other's company we get to the entrance and the second to last one was free so both of us walked into it . He pulls out his tooter and takes a drag . I'm sat on the toilet while looking at him and he's looking at me standing in-front of the door . I wait my turn before starting a conversation so that then his attention is on me .

He takes another few puffs and passes it to me . I take a puff and inhaling it all . Shortly after breathing it out I start .

" how come u left me for Coben?" I ask in a normal voice to not sound annoying .
"What do you mean " he asks with confusion
" like u went to the bathrooms with him that's what I mean " I say slightly faster than usual . He turns his head side ways . Looking as if he was confused but still trying to figure out what to say .
" well idk he just said we should come here nd I was like yea sure " I simply stopped after that it didn't matter as long as I'm still with him .

The second bell went off informing us that we were now late to our lesson. We waft the smoke in the air as to not get caught and walk out as if nothing happened he had English I knew that and so I started walking in the direction of the stairs not saying anything . He got to the classroom right as he opend the door I say
"I'll pick u up after class " with a smirk then I slapped his ass while giggling . He smiled and shaked his head as the door closed .

Yuh another chapter done
1069 words


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