Are you awake

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Hey it's me and I have a really good idea for the next chapter but this is just a filler

Ollies pov :

I sat next to the slightly smaller brunet he had his plate full of food as always eating every last drop we ended up having a simple conversation since none of us wanted to make it awkward with the other boys .

Alan's style was always more simplistic and he often just wore hoodies that were a size or two too big he looked adorable since he always had hoodie paws with only the rope of three fingers sticking out and his hair was just as poofy as it always was .

We ended up having to be split up because of the activities that we had to do so I only ever saw him when we were walking to the next place .

When we all got in he said he was really tired and went for a nap which resulted in him Waking up half an hour before lights out . We had talked about football made jokes about each other and talked about girls too .the dark haired boy whipped his head around to me when he was asked which girl he found cute at the time responding in an anxious manner .

I want to sort things out with him I want to make things right again so I made a plan to talk to him in private . I was going to wait till late to wake him up and ask him to come with me to the bathroom where we would hopefully talk it out and become best friends again or even something more .

I looked at my watch nervously waiting it was half past one in the morning so nows the time .

I climbed down my bunk bed just enough so I could step on his bunk ladder and got up I looked at him sleeping so peacefully he was hugging his pillow with his hood still on and his face slightly smushed into the pillow . I felt really sad doing this but I shook him awake and he started groaning .

" what , what do you ........ want " He looked at me with visible confusion that I may or may not have made me smile lol.

"Can u come out with me for a sec I need to talk to u"
The dark haired boy looked at me with annoyance but I insisted , so he followed me out tripping over the ladder and almost slipping on a sock , I continued down the corridor and up a small stair case up to the male toilets where we were less likely to be heard talking in the middle of the night .

As soon as I get through the door I lean at on the sink a little close to the wall , alan came a few seconds after I had moved he looked around for a sec and kept looking back at me .Wich reminds me to start .

" urm hey , so like I kinda just wanna talk about ......." he didn't want to actually say what about because that's too much pressure for them both .

" talk about what ollie , the fact that we kissed when you have a girlfriend " he said with a slightly angry tone the curly haired boy just looked at him with those sad puppy eyes and nodded .

" urm well I broke up with carley and I really think we should have a "

" chance ........"the boy just looked at the floor and started for a bit while the other one just watched him with a sense of hope and sadness .

" urm yea well carley understood and she was pretty sad for a while but then said that it would be better since she moved school nd stuff and she ..... well ........she said that she kinda shipped us anyway"
He barley managed to stutter out the last part since the awkward tension had been 100x worse as alan stared at him with zero expression .

"I need to think about it "
He quickly walked away as soon as he said that walking back to his room and back into bed . 'Well that wasn't a no exactly was it ' he thought to him self .

The windows were fogged up because of the condensation so they could tell it was freezing outside that day , he got out of bed and put on something to wear after the teacher came to wake them up for break fast .

He remembered what  had happened later that night or early this morning he was going to think about it all the curly haired boy could do was wait patiently to see what he says .

Breakfast had passed so had the first two activities where was he . Lunch had came about quicker than he seemed to realise so him and his form had made there way to the lunch tables in an open spaces hall that had an echo if you spoke too loud .

He got his burger and fries and walked over to the familiar group of boys as he also noticed Alan's form hadn't arrived yet , he put his hoodie down next to him to save a big enough spot for alan to fit in . He ended up sitting next to colbie , when was he gonna tell mention anything waiting was tiering the taller male out . He ended up eating his food with no less than a small grin that was clearly smeared on his face .

At this point this was gonna take two weeks it was now almost lights out and still no word from alan .
He decided he might aswell fall asleep sooner to have a nice sleep and feel better from the heartbreak in the morning .

Through his sleepy state he heard a noice coming from his bunk bed signifying someone was coming up he felt a hand on his arm shaking him slightly .

" are you awake "

Sorry it took so long to get this chapter out I'll try make a chapter everyday if I can :)

1005 words


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