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Hey weird I'm posting 2 days in a row but I'm inspired rn and we love her nd I need her to be happy

Ollie POV :

This morning I woke up alone but the first thing I think of is him .

My room is baron and boring but there's a charm to it the simplistic style is comforting . I feel the cold touch my cheeks and inhale the crisp morning air out the open window and look out at the forest with a lake that's perfectly still like it would be right before a storm ,the mountains that surround it look almost unreal with a couple trees sprinkled around the top and sides .

As I walk out my room everything is quiet the hall is empty and so are all the bedrooms I walk past one set of doors and then another then the sound of people started getting louder so I knew I wasn't to far off . I walk in the lounge and then into the cafeteria and I could already see everyone .there were 6 big tables in rows I could see Alan with Anna ,serenity and nicole and instantly made eye contact with Alan and he smiled at me . God I love that smile I wish he smiled more often .
"Hey what are you guys doing "
" what does it look like " serenity said with a deadpanned expression.
" how come nobody woke me up " there best be some food left I'm starving .
"I don't know the teachers forgot about you I guess " everyone laughed and agreed with Alan's answer .
"Thanks alan love you too " I know he loves me too
"Love you too now sit down " the dark haired boy then pushed everyone down the bench to make enough room for Ollie to sit next to him .

I got a full English breakfast and it was absolutely delicious but I couldn't focus on it because Alan kept on talking to me and started stealing my food and then blame someone else when I watched him do it , it's fine though Alan can have whatever he wants off me .at some point we stopped talking and i carried on eating after I finished took the plate back and sat back down I felt a weight on my shoulders and saw arms around me and I could recognise those hands anywhere he carried on talking to serenity as if he want doing a thing but he knew what he was doing .as he finished the conversation he put his head in the crook of my neck and kissed me when no one was looking . He definitely knew what he was doing .

Durning one of the activities we were going against another group which coincidentally ended up being Alan's group . We are supposed to build rafts out of plastic barrels that were pretty big and then we would have to test to see which one floats the longest . I could see Alan mouthing something to me I caught in to what he was trying to say on the 10th try and he was trying to say I was going to loose but he lost confidence in the words each time he had to repeat it and it was really amusing to watch .

As we were beginning to build the rafts I could feel his eyes on me and of course I stared back I was constantly turning around but whenever I would he doesn't look at me so i just stood still waiting for him to look at me again and it didn't take a while as he pretty much looked as soon as I turned to face him . He smiled and shook his head but someone asked him something I can't hear but he's laughing like she said the funniest thing in the world .I put my self to work then and didnt realise that time ran out I looked up for the first time in 2 hours nd he was already looking at me .


Hey it's me again and Ik not that much of an interesting chapter but u guys need some fluff

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