Thats pretty cool

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Hey so this is gonna be a short chapter since my thumbs are hurting :) also we love her <3

Alan's pov :

Finally I got out of miss browns class she's an actual definition of a bitch like I hate her I just do hate her . But even with all that hate for her I can't get the conversation with Ollie out my head . Why would he care so much about me going to the bathroom with Coben like we were just havin a joke and smoking like there's nothing to really not like . It's probably just because he wanted some too . Yea that's it he just was sad cuz I didn't share . As I was thinking about him a curly mess appeared in my line of sight
' talk of the devil ' I think to my self with a smile . He looks at me and smiles too he stands infront of me waiting for me to move and I do . As I do though I put my arms around his waist and lean against him . He puts his hand on my back as we walk .

" im so tired like I actually cannot be arsed with miss brown anymore " I say with a smidge of annoyance in my voice . He just laughs and as he does I feel his stomach moving . I like that and tried making him laugh with other jokes that I think will make him laugh . Luckily for me whatever I say is funny to him so I just carry on slandering miss brown . After I stopped talking I noticed his heart beat it was unusually fast . But I just blame it on having to walk down the stairs with me attached to his hip .

We get to the bottom of the stairs and decide we would rather just walk around rather than going to form straight away . Colbie Dillon and a couple other lads come with us since it we were all going the same direction . I found it funny when Ollie coverd his face while walking past his form although colbie went in and so did the other guys do it ended up just being me and him . We didn't talk much but we didn't need to we just didnt feel the need to have to talk instead we were just soaking up each-others warm ness . He dropped me off at my form waving as a sign of goodbye I did the same . I entered my class sitting in the same seat as everyday .

" ok I have an announcement to make " miss Morris said with her Preston accent . Everyone stopped their conversations so that they could hear what she wanted to say .
" we ...... are ......... going ....... on a school trip !!!!!" She shouted the last part as to encourage excitement we all cheered and clapped with means to say that we're happy .
" we're going to be staying at a residential in the Lake District and we will be staying there for a couple of days so you will have to take these slips to your parents it basically explains all the stuff you need to bring with you and other thing like the day and the payment " she carried on speaking about the trip and all of that stuff but I disassociated while imagining how much fun it will to be to go on a trip with everyone and mainly Ollie they could have a room together and maybe even a couple other boys this is pretty cool .

Yuh and I'm faintly done for today i am so so tired rn .
596 words


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