Oh damn

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Hey it's me the writer this is gonna be the only part for today cuz I'm really tired :/ also we love her <3

Alan's pov :

To be completely honest I really did not intend on this happening but looking at ollies flustered face when I said he should sort it out just made me want to tease him even more . I sat on his lap and blew the  smoke in his mouth because he asked for some so I gave him some . Maybe not in the way he wanted but I recon he'll take whatever he can get right now . I was watching him inhale it all with that cute face of his I started playing with his hair and moved around a little on his lap .

He grabbed my hips to stop me from moving and groaned into my shoulder , I got shivers from his hot breathe on my neck but I proceeded to carry on moving . He inhaled sharply and just snuggled deeper into my shoulder. I could feel it poking my
a$$ as I was grinding on him I leaned down slightly to his ear and let out a soft moan .

At that he jumped up from my shoulder looking redder than a tomato with his eyes wide open , I giggled and his hands gripped my waist even more . He started pulling me up and down with slight growns  . I started bouncing ,with every bounce he was pushing me down even further . Before we even knew it we were both groaning and really out of breathe but I put my face into his shoulder and exhaled as I did that he started lightly kissing my neck. And just like that butterflies were infesting my stomach I looked back at him with an innocent smile .

His eyes were filled with lust his cheeks still dusted with red and his ears were almost lighting up . He picked up where we left off and pushed me up and down as I too started bouncing . But this time we were staring at each-other . The pent up pleasure started releasing and I couldn't hold my breathe anymore . I stared into his eyes while moaning

He smirked and started giving me butterfly kisses all around me , he kisses my forehead my cheek and my neck as I felt his cold hands start to move from my hips . At this point I was a mess getting relief and him kissing me while touching me all around just spiralled me into a moaning mess . I really could not care who heard us right now I'm just high of the pleasure he gives me , the butterflies , the jealousy I felt for him , the joke it was all making sense now .
I like Ollie .

A sense of pleasure and relief washed over me and not only because what we were doing it was also because I had figured it out I had a crush on him this entire time and I just played it off as the joke I couldn't be any happier than right in this moment .
I smiled wildly , I could feel his hands trying to untuck my shirt and he got there I could feel his bare calloused hands on my chest and back and it just made everything feel even better . Then it hit me .
Ollie is still goin out with carley .

Haha yup another cliff hanger just because 569 words



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