Pass it over

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Hey so it's me again this is gonna be another short one cuz it's late-we love her <3

Ollie's pov:

I can't believe we're going on a trip in a weeks time . They told us like 2 weeks ago that we're going on a trip for some reason. everyone was too exited to listen to all the info and didn't hear that it was gonna be in 4 weeks but I guess that fine since we only have like a week to go .

To be completely honest I'm really hoping I get a room with alan since it would be fun just to have a sleepover together and the amount of shit we'd end up doing even imagining it is making me want to start packing and getting ready for it immediately .

I've completely forgotten about what happend with Coben but I still catch my self out sometimes on the thing I think of when he's involved and i still have no idea what the reason would be for me feeling this way but it's fine I guess I don't have to know everything and maybe I was just feeling sick I do remember getting really hot and sweaty so maybe that was the reason I just had like a temporary fever or just the symptoms. I don't really know but this is making my brain hurt .

Me and alan went to play football at lunch since he bring his trainers in and I had my pe kit on anyway so we decided it would be fun to play with the guys .
Once we got onto the pitch I just joined Tyler Thompson and the rest of his team while alan went on the opposing team . I looked at him faking my betrayal but in actuality I didn't care . The match had started and someone kicked the ball which went flying into the corner I was closest in so I went to get it . Alan also decided to try get it . I got the ball under my foot as means of controlling it around him to get away but he stopped me and kept trying to take it . He started laughing at how long it was taking and it was a good 5 minutes that we've been in the same corner trying to get it off one another .

I had taken the ball walking a few steps back . Alan almost running towards me slipped on his shoelace which mixed with wet and plastic grass made him slip forwards . He was close enough to me that he fell onto me and that caused me to fall . My mind went black for a second closing my eyes for the impact . As soon as I was not falling anymore and just laying on the ground I feel something at my belt and crotch .

Alan's face had landed into my crotch I sat up looking at him and laughed really loudly still looking at him but being honest it made me feel really warm and tingly . I looked down and sure enough . It wasn't visible to anyone but I know alan felt it and saw it . He smirked and looked up at me with something malicious . He started standing up and said he was kind of hurt and winded so I got up too and walked out with him . No one seemed to mind since he did just fall onto me and the ball was underneath him . We walked up the stairs and into the school building in deadly silence , he was leading me to the bathrooms so I followed. He stood at  the door and I came in with him I sat down on the toilet as he locked the stall door .

" that was really funny " he laughed which smoke coming out in clusters.
" yea it was tbf , are you alright tho " I asked I wanted to make sure he was alright since he did say he was winded .
" yea I'm fine I didn't actually get winded " he laughed
" then why did you lie ? " I  questioned . There's no point in him lying but it did save me so im not gonna complain .
He looked at me raised his eyebrows and nodded his head towards my lower half . Of course he noticed .but this is kinda awkward

" well thanks for coving for me " I said with a slight grin
" aren't u going to sort it out " he asked with a smirk and I didn't know what he meant since he was in the cubicle with me I couldn't .

" nah it's alright I'll just leave it till it goes away " I said with confidence . I held my hand out to show that I wanted a pass he just looked at me tho .
" pass it over " I said but instead of passing it he walked over to me ' what's he doing ' then he sat down on my lap straddling me on the toilet. I instinctively wrapped my arms around him not knowing what else to do . Both of his arms rested on my shoulders . He took a puff and cupped my cheeks and blew the smoke into my mouth as inhaled . He didn't move his face though . He was really close I could feel his breathe . I exhaled and smiled and so did he .

Oooohhh cliffhanger and a wee little bit of spice 

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