I told you

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Hey gials I'm writing in a really wierd place but I I'll do it anyway :) also we love her <3

Alan's pov :

I can't believe It what are we doing he has a girlfriend and we're basically dry fucking in a cubicle .

"This is wrong " I said with a whimper . I don't think he heard me cuz he carried on going .
"Ollie , stop this isn't right stop " while getting his hands out from under my shirt . The curly haired boy looked at me with worry his eyebrows furrowing

" your literally with carley u can't do this to her I can't believe you would do that " I picked up my coat opened the cubicle door and walked out as soon as I was out the toilets I ran but not to class

I ran to the c floor toilets making sure that miss brown doesn't see me since I had to pass my classroom . I felt sick to my stomach my head was spinning and I was really sweaty . I feel really guilty for what Ollie did to carley I can't believe that this was happening right now I just wanted to crawl up into a ball and never get up .

' serenity has English too ' ok im just gonna wait till the bell goes and walk up to get her I need to tell her everything. I always do that with any of my problems serenity always knows first and she gives pretty good advice , but I feel like this time it's way worse than anything that has happend and she's also best friends with her so maybe she'll even tell her .

No serenity would never do that she'd wait till I told her first . The brunet pulled out his phone every five minutes anxiously waiting till the bell went all the while stressing him self out more than he should've been since Carley's a pretty forgiving person . Although maybe she wouldn't forgive him for this one .

The bell finally went off the dark haired boy scurried out the bathroom just in time to catch on with serenity that was heading to her next class . She could tell that he'd been through or had done something from the look plastered all over his face

They walked around the school floors going from top to bottom doing a complete circle around all three floors while alan told her everything that the boy had been feeling and doing with Ollie , serenity calming him down every time he slightly over panicked . He always knew he could count on her to say the right thing .

Alan had considered all options and decided on just completely leaving Ollie alone in other words ignoring the boy he liked so much and his problems , hoping and praying things would go back to normal or at least calm down .

This would be the hardest thing he'd ever done , Ollie had become such a beloved part of his life , even though he knows it's wrong he misses him and the joke that had started it all .

He would now instead spend all his time with the familiar group of boys he's known since primary , they gave him a sense of giddiness he always enjoyed but he still felt something missing but overlooked it as if ignoring his feelings hit him involved in this mess .

Ollie pretty quickly caught on to the fact that alan was ignoring him and decided he would distance him self too . His guilty conscience forced him to tell carley because he wouldn't be able to live with himself to look at him with affection and love when he'd betrayed her . The brake up was rough she had cried for days and so had he but in the end he was relieved for telling her and she was pretty angry at the start but that snowballed into sadness and she had forgiven him slightly but she did not want to keep up contact with him .

A couple days before the week trip alan had reminded him self about the room situation he was so exited to mess around with Ollie for that week but he just reminded himself that that wouldn't be able to happen due to them still ignoring each-other.
But they both missed each other dearly .


Yuhhh another chapter done also u guys should probably comment on some thing u would like to see :)
730 words


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