Ok sure

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Hey it's me ik y'all love me nd my cliffhangers
Also we love her <3 I think :/

Ollies pov :

It's the day before the trip I've already packed all the stuff I'll need and I know what time and where I'm gonna line up with the rest of the year. I'm hoping that I get a room with alan I really want to fix our relationship and even if he doesn't want what we had before I still want him as a best friend

I think carley will be happy for me and him she said she kinda shipped it before so im hoping she does it stung my heart when I saw her cry since I didn't wanna be a dick and I broke up with her in person instead of over text

Time skip to the time of the trip

I had to wake up fairly early and I didn't get enough sleep but I'm fine with that since I'll just sleep on the bus way there .

Our form tutor was are parent for the trip and we had to do most if not all activities with that group so there was less that likely chance that me and alan had a room together but I still hoped and anyway I have pretty good freinds in my form so I should be ok .

I was paired up with Tyler Thompson for the bud trek there but I ended up sleeping through the entire ride anyways so it didn't really matter to me .

Once we got there Tyler shook me awake and pointed at the window I turned my head still with sleep in my eye and saw the most majestic forest I'd ever seen . The trees were dark and long with dark green leave all over there was a mist through the entire forest and the cabin we were staying in was a cute modernised wooden building that at least looked it was made of wood the windows were from the top of the ceiling to the floor so they were absolutely massive and they spanned all around the perimeter of the building . The lights that were outside shined a bright yellow with a hint of orange the atmosphere was so calming .

The teacher had finished explaining what was going to happen wich I completed zoned out on because of the view so I just had Tyler explain it to me . We got our bags in forms and walked up to our bedrooms for the next week . And surely enough I was staying in the same room as alan along with 6 other boys wich we were all very familiar with eachother so there wouldn't be any awkwardness

I dibbed a top bunk closest to the right hand side corner wich had a bunk bed 2 meters away from mine . The other boys piled in and yet no one had taken that top bunk yet . As we were all settling in for a bit alan had walked in and with that bunk being the last one he had no other choice but to take it .

My heart filled with euphoria when I saw him but I tried my best not to show it . I was bouncing off the walls in an energy burst when one of the male teachers walked and told me off for being to chaotic and questioned my ability to be so loud which I took to offence but kept my mouth shut . Everyone giggled and laughed at the fact I got told off on the first day and how long I would be able to last without being taken home I looked over and saw alan smiling at me wich just made a wide grin spread on my face but as soon as we made eye contact he looked away .

Trying not to awkward I asked the boys if they wanted to get food the room erupted with the sound of yea alright and yea oks . I turned to alan and asked him directly if he wanted to come with us . He looked away almost looking nervous and replied with a quiet "ok sure ".

Lmao u just got left on a cliffhanger yet again
705 words


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