Deja vu

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Yuh it's me back with another one
Also we love her <3

Alan's pov :
I didn't know what to think he really just asked me if we should go out like wtf was going through his head . That was the smaller boys reaction to ollies confession at first but as he got to think about it he realised that he liked him a lot more than he himself would like to admit I mean yea they were good friends but do friends just casually kiss and grind against each other . It took him a while to realise what he wanted the whole day he couldn't focus on a single task because he was eating himself up over the whole ordeal .

He made the spontaneous deduction that he was gonna do it he was gonna tell him what he feels and see how it goes from there . Carley said she forgave us so does that mean it's fine he had that on repeat in his head making arguments and counter arguments to everything he was thinking about . As he got up out of his bed he leaned and put his feet one by one on Ollie's bunk bed ladder climbing up it from the shock of the cold frame . He shook the sleeping boy and asked if he's awake the curly haired boy replied with a groan when alan said to follow him .

It's almost as if the boys imaginary ears stuck up when he heard that if he had a tail it would be wagging . He got out of bed as fast as possible catching up to the other boy walking faster than he normally would be doing so in any other situation .he swerved the corner and arrived at the sink where alan already stood .

" urm so I like you I only recently realised that I actually like you " alan looked up with a nervous smile and awaited a response . When he didn't get one he tried to start again.
" urm ya know what it does---"
He opend his eyes and saw ollie had kissed him he joined in and kissed back the kiss was slow passionate filled with love and relief .

They were both entangled with each-other having Ollie's head bent down slightly with his arms wrapped around the smaller brunet and his hand on Ollie's face and he pushed the kiss further and further . The curly haired boy was growing impatient and licked the smaller boys lips waiting for them to part .as they did they both swirled and intertwined they're tongues .

As the taller boys hands started travelling further down the dark haired boys ass , jumped up and wrapped his legs around his waist , the curly haired boy grabbed his under thigh and pushed him up against the wall groaning into the kiss slightly this made alan smile breaking the kiss . They both pulled they're heads back and just stared at each other for a second admiring each-other .

Ollie moved alan to the counter and started sucking and licking the other boys neck biting slightly alan was groaning and moaning quietly into Ollie's ear which just turned him on even more .

The dark haired boy was almost falling apart already , the taller male had stopped looked at him looked down . Alan knew exactly what he was looking at , he had a raging Bon£r . He looked back at him smiled hopped off the bathroom counter and pulled ollie into a stall locking the door bringing a sense of deja vu .

Here's an extra chapter cuz I feel bad for making u guys wait a couple days :)
606 words


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