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Ollie pov :

Its been a week and a half after carley left and I feel so alone i know I have friends to comfort me but it's not the same as when I'm with carley but I'm starting to get used to it . I still hang out with the group that was somehow formed , although it does feel like somethings missing sometimes . We all still gather at the table we eat at every day . There's always room for all of us now .

I look across from me .serenity , Alan , nicole and Cameron are sat together. Alan's opposite me so I stare at him while I dissociate . I can see his blurry figure moving to try get my attention but I can't stop looking at the same spot a couple tables back . So he waved his hands but I still didn't glance at him . So he tried a different approach . I feel something start touching my leg right above my ankle . I show no reaction . So he starts lifting his foot up and down which also lifts up my pant fabric . I finally look at him with a cheeky grin .' He knows exactly what he's doing ' he then proceeded to blow me a quick kiss his hand still on his fork .

I giggle at his attempt to start the flirting bit , I stand up grabbing everyone's attention .

"Me and Alan are shaggin in the bathroom"  I say quickly while he stands up with me . Everyone laughs including me and Alan .  Serenity asks

" what happend ? " with a giggle

" Alan started it " I say with a quick grin I look over at him to see him smirk and say

" actually I didn't do anything " with a coy tone

" suuuuureee" I say elongating the word to sound more sarcastic .

We both sit back down , slipping back into another conversation with everyone else . I still catch glances of him and we smile and look back to whoever is talking at the moment .

The sound of the bell rings through my head as we all stand up to go to our last class of the day . Alan waits for me to walk down and starts walking with me to class having a normal conversation. As we start to walk up the stairs he goes higher first so his ass is in my face . I make no hesitation slapping it hard enough for it to make sound .

"Aahhh~" he jumps and sucks his teeth

I stare at him In disbelief of what I just heard as he's bending over still holding his a$$ .

"What did u do that for " he shouts while hunching over.

" I had to " looking at him with my arms up as a sign of piece .  He starts slowly walking up the next set off stairs still groaning in pain but on the last set he had completely stopped.

" u wanna come out today ?" I ask he looks up with his head slightly sideways and thinks for a sec .

" mmmm , yea sure why not " as he puts his head back into its original position with his hands in his pockets .


Time skip to after school

I walk towards the general direction of my house and stop now and again to talk to someone after I'm past the college I go on my phone to see what's going on .

🟥 tap to open

It was alan ' he sent me a snap ' it was of him on the bus doing the f boy face the caption said ' when are we meetin bby ' I chuckled double tapping to reply I sent him a f boy face snap with the caption ' need to go home to get changed then I'll meet u bby ' I laugh at the ongoing joke that we have. I walk a bit further looking at random places as I hear the iconic Snapchat notification .

🟪 tap to open

He sent a video I wonder what he will say

"I'm gonna go home get changed aswell and then should we meet at like 5 , hehe bye  😜" he was on the bus he was recording so that u could only see his hair and his eyes and he showed his face at the end with a f boy voice .

I sent him a snap of me and agreed to the plan that was now formed . I went home got changed pretty swiftly so I could just chill on my phone for a little bit but then after a while I just checked the bud times and walked out of the house with my bud pass . He said he would meet me at Mac Donald's in the middle of town so I told him that I would set off now . He set off 15 mins after me so he wouldn't have to wait too long .

I saw the familiar street from the top deck of the bus clicking the bright red stop button and slowly walking down the stairs as the bus was still moving .
I saw a familiar face and immediately recognised alan he smiled and waved at me from the ground , I carried on walking down stairs and got off saying thank you to the bus driver as I get off . I walked up to him and he walked up to me .



Hahaha cliffhanger 😂
882 words


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