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hey all 3 readers its me again writing another chapter :) also we still love her

Alans pov :

i knew exactly what i was doing and even worse i didnt regret it ,i know what i want now , it was fair with carley im happy and by the huge grin on ollies face , his cheeks and ears dusted a bright red id think hes fairly happy .

he pushed ollie down on to the seat and the puffy haierd boy straddeled him , instantly connecting each others lips going in a slow over romantisized kiss as ollies hands had started traveling up alans chest and sides grabbing onto his ass every once in a while , alan had was wiggling and grinding on the taller male to get some relief

the dark haired boy then pushed him self onto the floor sitting on his legs with his ankles next to him forming a w shape , he then grabbed his thighs and with the other hand pulled his d!k out ,spitting on it a little and licking his slit with a couple strokes soon followed by engulfing it all into his mouth .

The curly haired boy let out a sting of moans and curse words whispering praise softly getting a grip onto his hair, he started pushing him down even further once he heard gagging he knew he needed to come up for air and let go yet the smaller male  just started bobbing his head up and down taking him in entirely each time .

This only fuels ollie and he soon decided it wasn't enough and bucked his hips alan just grins slightly slough you could see a tear starting to form in his eye . Ollie carried on bucking his hips once in a while but that ended up in ollie face fuck!ng him .

He could feel him self growing closer to his climax so he bucked his hips once more making sure to go as deep as he could and stayed there as he filled up Alan's mouth and then letting out a much needed groan .

They heard the door open and they both just looked at each other in fear that they were caught . Alan quickly got onto ollies lap to hide his feet . The person went into the stall next to them had a piss and said something .

"Errr , it smells like cum in here " it was Coben alan tried to stifle his laughter onto ollies shoulder and did so successfully Coben walked around the sinks singing something to him self and not washing his hands . He then opened the door leaving the two boys in a bottomless pit off laughter .

The two boys then got out the cubicle ollie teasing him with a kiss and a smile . They walked back to their room holding hands as if it was primary school giggling and sharing embarrassing memories they both shared together . As soon as they entered the room they realised they would have to be kinda quiet to not wake anyone up , ollie also wanted to sleep with alan but he got rejected instead and swiftly got kicked off Alan's bunk bed , he grumbled and stumbled up his own saying goodnight to alan and sleeping like a log .

Ok so this may or may not have been out of pocket so can u guys like tell me If you'd like more stuff like that or not cuz I honestly don't know :)

572 words


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