the cry

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I'm telling you this one time. I love you. Everyday I see your text they make my smile. I never stop thinking about you and I probably wont even if I'm dead. I'm never going yo date another person in my life cause your my soul mate. My dreams are always about you saving me. If you didn't save me then I wouldn't be here. Texting you right now with my eye water.There a quote I have that doesn't fit with what I'm saying but its a quote that reminds me of us " photography is an art of abservation. It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them"~Elliott Erwitt
It means you look of the outside of the person you may not like what you see but if you look closer you see everything you like in it. My point is I will always love you I want you for the rest of my life. Just please stay don't go. I already lost the most loved person I ever loved and that was my grandpa and than i found you . you remind me so much of him that's why I want you and I want you alive I don't want to see you dead and I have to watch you get buried into the dirt. I just don't. Please don't go cause if you go I will to cause I never want to leave you. So will you stay with me babe please I love you and I'm sorry I'm not a purfect girlfriend. But I love you with all I got and I hope you love me to. So will you stay please.

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