And So It Begins

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Hermione's POV

As soon as Astoria uttered those words, we all started moving. Ron explained the plan to Draco and I as we moved.

"Harry has a robe. He's going to hide amongst the students."

"But that's too dangerous! What if someone sees him?" I asked.

"Ginny will be next to him, she won't let anything happen. Once he's inside the great hall, he plans to confront Snape. That's where we come in. The order is on their way, and we will all stand ready." Ron looked excited. Who could be excited for war?

In reality, the plan made no sense to me whatsoever. What were we to gain from this? Pissing off Snape? Who knows at this point.

"Come on Mia." Draco grabbed my hand and pulled me in the direction Ron and Blaise were headed. Before long, we were outside the great hall. Memories flooded my brain. Our first time stepping into this hall, being sorted, enjoying wondrous feasts, the Yule many fond memories soon to be tainted by war. We heard Snape asking if anyone knew of Harry's whereabouts, then Harry yelling something at him. We took that as our cue and walked in. Gasps were heard all around.

"It seems, professor, that despite your best efforts, you still have a massive security problem." Snape looked gobsmacked. It was kind of exciting. "Tell them! Tell them how you looked him in the eye and murdered him in cold blood! The man who was your friend!"

Astoria had stepped in front of Harry with Ginny by her side. Two women that you did not want to mess with. Snapes eyes flew to the man holding my hand. For a second I could've sworn he looked relieved. But that couldn't be possible. When our old potions professor shot a spell towards Harry, I saw someone step out and protect him. McGonagall. I had never seen her so fierce. Before the Carrows beside him could react, Astoria and Ginny knocked them out. McGonagall raised her wand to Snape. She dueled with her former friend. If I wasn't scared of the incoming storm, I'd so be fangirling right now. This woman had always had such an influence on my life and here she was, fighting her ass off.

"COWARD!" Harry screamed as Snape apparated away. Cheers broke out around me as students celebrated. I squeezed Dracos hand. He squeezed back. That was all the reassurance I needed.

"Hermione!!" I looked to where my name had been called. A black haired slytherin was headed towards me.

"Pansy!" I ran towards my long secret friend. We hugged each other tightly and she cried.

"I'm so glad you're okay! I was so worried about you!" Pansy words made me smile.

"Ummm can someone explain what's going on? I just learn my sister is dating a slytherin, and now you're hugging someone you always fought with." Ron's voice came from behind me.

"Yeah I'm a bit confused as well." Draco coughed. I laughed as Pansy giggled.

"Well you see, Pansy and I became friends two years ago. However, to keep her safe from her parents wrath of befriending a muggle born and the cruelty of her fellow housemates, we agreed to keep it secret." I said to the confused men.

"Yeah Hermione was always there for me." She smiled.

"I knew you weren't going to the library to study! I just always assumed you were hooking up with someone." Draco laughed.

"Oh yes Hermione is a wonderful partner," Pansy said kissing my cheek. I laughed as Draco's eyes widened.

"Kinda hot, not going to lie." Ron coughed. Draco smacked his arm and I looked at Pansy who was blushing. Before anymore words can be said, I push the slytherin towards Ron. I grab Draco and walk to follow McGonagall out of the great hall.

"What was that about?" Draco asked grabbing my hand.

"Pansy had a crush on Ron for the longest time. It's about time she admitted it to him."

"No way...Parkinson and Weasley? That's an unexpected couple." He said shaking his head.

"And we weren't?" I raise my eyebrows in question.

"Touché," he said kissing my hand. When we finally caught up to McGonagall, she was telling Seamus and Neville to blow up the bridge. Once the boys ran off to do just that, we reached the front of the castle.

"Piertotum Locomotor!" I watched as Professor McGonagal brought life to the stone soldiers in the entryway to the castle. She turned to Molly and grinned like a schoolgirl. I smiled at the two.

"Mione!" I turned to Harry and Ron running toward us. "I think we found a way to kill the horcrux without the sword!"

"How Harry?"

"The basilisk!"

"Do you think it's still down in the chamber?" Draco asked.

"I'm not sure, but it's worth a shot," Ron said.

"Hermione, you three go. I'm going to go try and find the diadem." Harry says and runs off.

"Well...anyone know how to speak parseltounge?" Draco asks looking at the retreating back of Harry.

"Ummm no." I say.

"Harry talks in his sleep, let's see if I picked up anything." Ron shrugs moving up the stairs.

Once we reached the bathroom, moaning myrtle is nowhere to be seen. Poor thing is probably terrified. I follow Ron to the sinks and he furrows his brow.

"Let's see...." He says. In the next second, he speaks, but it sounds like a hiss from a snake. When the sink begins to move he turns toward Draco and I with a big smile. "Hell yeah."

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