Battles Won

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*3 months later*

Hermiones POV:

I held Draco's hand as we sat in the courtroom for Narcissas trial. For the three months that followed after the battle, she had been on house arrest pending her trial. Even though the place held bad memories for me, Draco and I stayed with her to keep her company. We closed off the area of the house that I had been tortured in. Starting on one room then the next, we remodeled the whole manor. Narcissa had a knack for decorating. Bright colors and flowers replaced the gloominess that the manor had. Narcissa became like another mother to me in that time. We often had tea in her garden and embarrassed Draco by looking at baby pictures. Today is the day we had been waiting for. Draco didn't have to have a trial. Everyone saw what he did. Dumbledore had left notes in his last will and testament stating Draco Malfoy was innocent. He explained everything in his will.

"Don't be nervous Draco. She will be fine. She has several witness testimonies that will clear her name." I whisper to the nervous wreck that was my boyfriend next to me. Following the battle, Draco officially asked me to be his girlfriend. It was a no brainer honestly. In the time we weren't with his mother, we spent that time learning each other. Mind, body, and soul.

"I know Mia, but I can't help but be nervous." He whispered back.

"Calling witness Molly Weasley." The head judge spoke. Molly walked to the stand beside the chair in the center of the room. "You are here of your own volition?"

"Yes." Molly replied.

"You are here to speak for the character of Narcissa Malfoy?"


"Very well, you may begin."

"In the battle, Narcissa Malfoy protected my daughter, Ginerva Weasley, from her sister, Bellatrix Lestrange. She had no wand. She willing put herself at risk to protect a child that was not her own. She was willing to die to protect my child. Narcissa Malfoy is not evil. Therefore I believe that she should be a free woman." Molly smiles at the woman sitting in the chair.

"Thank you. Calling witness Harry Potter." At the mention of his name, Harry walks to take the stand next. "You are here of your own volition?"

"Yes." Harry nods.

"You are here to speak for the character of Narcissa Malfoy?"



"In the time I was in the dark forest, Narcissa Malfoy told Voldemort I was dead. In doing this, she secured that I could fight in the final battle. When I showed myself to be truly alive, she willingly threw her wand to me. She gave me her wand not caring she could not fight. Without her selfless acts, we would not have defeated Voldemort. Narcissa Malfoy should be a free. She should not face judgement here today for the man she married, but who she is as a person." Harry finished and I smiled.

"Thank you. Calling witness Draco Malfoy." Draco squeezed my hand as he rose from the bench. He slowly made his way to the stand Harry was once at. "You are here of your own volition?"

"Yes." Draco nods to the judge.

"You are here to speak of the character of Narcissa Malfoy?"



"As you all know, I am the son of Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. My father was killed in the battle, so he is not here to pay for his sins. My mother liked to keep our home life private from the eye of the world, but I am here today to reveal the truth as to way she was on the dark side. Our home life was not that of a normal life. My father was abusive. In order to protect me, my mother would take most of the beatings. Once I reached my teenage years, I began to take them for her instead. If she dropped something, I would curse at my father to distract him from her. Then, he would beat me. I have many scars on my body today that will provide sufficient proof. I am willing to submit my memories as evidence. My mother was forced to join Voldemort, as was I. She was never forced to take the mark, but she nearly died fighting my father over forcing me to take it. As you heard, my mother is selfless. She loves those who hate her. She willingly risked her life several times in the Battle of Hogwarts to save not only me, but everyone. She did what she could and fought where she could. It is with that, I believe Narcissa Malfoy should be free." I smile at him as a tear rolls down my face.

"Thank you. We will begin our judgement." Draco returned to his seat beside me, his hands shaking. "All those in favor of Narcissa Malfoy to serve time in Azkaban?" The judge asks. Draco grabs my hand as he waits for hands to fly up. When no hands are seen, he stands. "All those in favor of Narcissa Malfoy to be free?" When the sentence is finished, all hands in the Wizengamont go up. A sigh of relief falls from my lips. "Narcissa Malfoy, you are free to go. Here is your wand." As soon as Narcissa has her wand, Draco jumps from the benches and runs straight to his mother. I smile and hug Harry. Things are slowly falling into place.

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