Will you?

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*1 year Later*

Dracos POV:

I stand in the mirror checking my hair as Harry paces the floor.

"Harry stop pacing you're going to make me sick." Ron chuckles from the loveseat.

"Yeah mate it's not like your life is ending." I say turning to the man.

"Oh its ending, he's getting married!" Fred Weasley laughs sipping his drink. Today was the day Harry and Astoria were getting married. Some may say it's a little fast, but I couldn't be happier for them. They both waited for this day for so long. We survived a war, they deserve it. Harry shoots a glare toward the Weasley twin and turns back to me.

"I'm just nervous. What if she runs?"

"Potter I've known Astoria most of my life, she loves you. She's not going anywhere." As if they knew how nervous he was, Molly and Arthur walk into the room to tell us it's time. Ron stands to walk to the door, followed by Blaise, myself, then Harry.

We make our way to our places as the music begins. Ron is Harry's best man, I'm standing next to him, and Blaise after me. If you had told me three years ago I'd be in Potter's wedding party, I probably would've laughed in your face.

When I look to the entrance, I see Ginny Weasley walking through. Blaise and Ginny are still going strong. In fact, they had a bit of a drunken night and she's two months pregnant. Thanks you the wonderful world of magic, they are able to hide it today. They haven't told anyone outside our small circle of friends.

Next walks put Hermione. She looks gorgeous wearing the sage green dress Astoria picked out for her. I just about fall seeing her. Hermione and I haven't made any developments yet so far as pregnancy or marriage, but we still love with all our hearts.

Next comes Pansy, the maid of honor. Ron and Pansy are engaged funnily enough. After the battle, they were inseparable. Hermione really did play matchmaker. They are a sickeningly sweet couple.

Finally Astoria makes her entrance. I look to Potter to see tears falling down his cheeks at the sight of her. He is truly happy.

As the music dies down, Neville Longbottom steps up to the couple. He's actually married quite a few of our classmates recently.


Hermiones POV:

As the reception rolls on, I laugh at Ron and Harry "busting a move" on the dance floor. Poor Pansy and Astoria. Draco stands beside me smiling talking to Blaise and I feel at peace. The wedding went off without a hitch, thankfully. My thoughts are interrupted by Astoria speaking over the music using her wand.

"Can I have everyone's attention! I would like to extend thanks to mine and Harry's wedding party for their involvement in our wedding! With that, I'd like to invite the couples to the dance floor!"

Draco sets down his drink, grabs my hand, and pulls me to the dance floor. I just smile and follow. A song begins to play as Ginny and Blaise finally make it to the floor. The three couples sway back and forth to the music. I smile at how happy I am in this moment.

"Mia," Draco says smiling down at me.

"Yes?" I ask.

"I love you. I love you more than anything on this planet."

"I love you too Draco." I smile. He stops dancing and that's when I notice that Ginny and Blaise had stopped dancing, as had Pansy and Ron. Draco steps back and grabs my hands in his.

"Hermione, I never thought I would find love, let alone you. You've made me complete. You have opened up my world to happiness and light. Without you, I probably wouldn't be here today."


"You have made me a better man. You've taught me what love is. You saved me." He pulls something out of his pocket and falls to his knee. I gasp covering my mouth with my hand. "Hermione Jean Granger, I can't imagine my life with anyone else. No one else matters to me the way you do. I want to spend my life showing you just how much you mean to me. I want the fights, the good days, the bad days...I want it all. I want to grow old with you. I want to listen to you rant about your books, I want to wake up to your bushy hair every morning, and I want to be your husband." I laugh as tears fall from my eyes. "Will you marry me?" I can't stop the waterfall Draco unleashed. I just cry and nod. Cheers erupt around us as I wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss him with all the love I have for him.

"I love you future Mrs. Malfoy." He smiles down at me. I grin like a kid in a candy store.

"I love you too!"

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