It's Hopeless

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A/N: I don't really have much to say on this one right now, but I might at the end of it. I hope this plays out the way I want it to!

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Draco's POV:

"Draco where were you?"

I looked at my mother contemplating what to say. I was so confused and I couldn't let her know what I had been really doing.

"Um...I was with a girl." When the words left my lips her entire mood changed.

"Oh! A girl? How exciting!! Are you two together? Are you in love?" Question after question spewed from her mouth.

"Mother, please calm down. We aren't exactly together. As for love....I'm not entirely sure. I want something to happen, but she doesn't seem to think the same way."

"Well Draco darling, have you told her how you feel?"

"I've tried, but every time I go to get the words out of my mouth, her friends interrupt. We shared a moment, but she said it was nothing. I don't know what to do mother...It's just hopeless."

"Draco, with all that's going on, have you ever thought she just might be scared? There's a war raging on, I'm sure the last thing on her mind is a relationship. As for telling her how you truly feel, you should try and get her away from her friends honey. A little alone time might be just what you two need."

"Maybe you're right. I left pretty angry though...I doubt she'd want to see me again."

"Nonsense! Now what is her name? Is she pretty?? Does she come from a pureblood family? Ohhh is she smart?? Did you go to school with her? How many years does she have left of school?"

"Mother! Calm yourself." I sighed as she stopped rambling. "I can't really tell you her name right now. We wanted to try and keep things secret for now. As for the way she looks...she's breathtakingly gorgeous. She has the most beautiful eyes. Her personality is beautiful. She's funny, full of sarcasm, and has such a wit to combat with my own. As for her brain, she's the smartest witch I've ever known. She's top of her class and she's always eager to learn. That's one thing that makes me want to be with her. She's always been someone I have admired. Every time she walks into the room, she lights it up with her joy and beauty. She's everything I've ever wanted....and so much more." I never thought I'd be having this conversation with my mother, but even now I'm smiling. Hermione has always made me so happy. She's the only reason I want to get up in the mornings.

"Oh Draco, it sounds as if you're in love!"

"I don't know if it's love Mother...I don't really understand it all myself."

"Well I cannot wait to meet her! She must come over for dinner when this whole thing is over!"

With that she patted my back and walked out the door.

'If only that could ever happen' I thought to myself.

Hermione's POV:

I sat in the tent continuously thinking of what I said to Draco. How could I be so cruel? I knew what it felt like to be treated like nothing, and I did that to him. I'm so confused by these feelings inside. How could I feel anything for him? And why didn't I stop myself from kissing him? 'Because you enjoyed it' my self conscious said.

"Ugh what do I do?" I groaned as I fell backwards on the cot. It had been weeks since I had last seen Draco.

While I was sitting an thinking, I started to hear more than just Harry's voice. I stood from the cot and made my way to the front of the tent. When I moved the flap to see, Ron Weasley stood not even 10 feet away from me.

"Hey 'Mione!" He grinned as he held the sword of Gryffindor in his hand. The other was holding the horcrux. I couldn't hold myself back. I marched up to him and slapped him across the face.

"Who do you think you are? You've been gone for weeks! Did you think you could say all those things and we'd just welcome you with open arms?" I went to slap him again but Harry grabbed my arm.

"Hermione, he saved my life. He saved me from drowning and he got the sword. He killed a horcrux."

"Where is my wand?? Harry Potter where is my wand?!" I started screaming. I had to give Harry my wand since his broke. Well...since I broke it. Each time one of us was on watch we use my wand. Each time I asked Harry started backing into a tree.

"Why does he have your wand?" Ron asked in a possessive manner.

"That's none of your business Ronald Weasley! Just because you destroyed a horcrux doesn't mean this changes anything."

"Oh yeah of course it doesn't! It's not like I just risked my life destroying this bloody thing!" Ron threw the sword and his bag down to the ground as he stormed towards me. "Where's your little fuck buddy huh? Has he grown tired of you?? Did he decide he was done shagging such a good for nothing skank?" When those words left his mouth, you could tell he regretted them. I didn't know I had been crying until I felt a tear hit my hand.

"Ronald, I don't understand why you are back, but I won't force you to leave. You can stay as long as you want, but do not think I will ever forgive you for this." I said as I slapped him one more time. I stormed into the forest to clear my head.

10 minutes had passed and I had made my way back to the tent. I took watch as the boys stayed in the tent. They knew I was the last person they wanted to mess with. While reading my book, I heard the sound of flames and then Harry saying a spell.

"What's going on in there? What are you boys doing?"

"Nothing!" They both yelled.

I walked into the tent to see Harry holding a new wand.

"Where did you get that?"

"Ron had it. He took it off of a snatcher."

"Harry what exactly happened to your wand?"

"I broke it." Ron looked up at me. "While you were gone, we went to Godrics Hollow. We ran into Nagini and it all fell apart."

"Oh well I'm just glad you guys are ok." Ron said. I wouldn't look at him. I was disgusted by him. I don't know what I ever saw in him.

A/N: I'm so done with my writing. I just feel like I'm not making it sound good. Anyways

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