The Wedding

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Hermione was awoken by the sound of men shouting. Of course it was only the Weasley's as they set up the tent for the evening. She groaned thinking about how she'll have to face Ron today after the previous encounter.

"Hermione!! Aren't you excited? We should start to get re-" Ginny stopped as she looked at her friend "Hermione? Are you ok?"

"Yeah Gin...just thinking."

"When are you not? Anyways I found this dress in my closet and thought you should wear it," as Ginny spoke she pulled a beautiful dress from a box. The dress was red and looked as if it would reach her knees. Around the waste was a band of ruffles with a red flower in the center. The bottom was a mix of ruffles and straight fabric. It was gorgeous!

"Oh Gin, it's beautiful! But what will you be wearing?" Hermione looked at the red haired girl as she went to her closet.

"This of course!" Ginny pulled out a white dress with black lace covering every part of it. Little lace flowers were scattered around the dress. It was definitely something she would wear.

"That's very pretty Ginny," Hermione smiled at her friend. She felt ridiculous. Getting excited over dresses when Voldemort is on the move and ready to kill. Bill and Fleur should have postponed the wedding...but then again there's a chance they wouldn't have made it out of the war. 'Stop it Hermione!' She thought to herself. Thinking like that would get them nowhere.

"Hermione? Hello? I've been talking to you for like the past ten minutes! What's gotten into you?" Ginny asked as she snapped her fingers in front of her friends face.

"I'm sorry Ginny it's just...this war and the wedding....and Ron..."

"Ron? Seriously Hermione I know it hurts, but he's not worth all this fuss," Ginny looked at her friend with sad eyes as she recalled how Ron had laughed in Hermione's face thinking it was a joke. Poor Hermione was embarrassed.

"I know Gin. I'm trying my best. Why don't we just start getting ready?" Hermione put on a fake smile and proceeded to grab Ginny's makeup bag and push Ginny in the seat. "We need to do our makeup!"

"Um ok well why don't you do my hair while I do my makeup? Then we switch, I'll do your hair and you do your makeup."

"Sounds good to me!" Hermione started to fix Ginny's hair and went back to her thoughts.

Hermione was stopped by Harry when he came in and spoke, "Hermione the minister is here. Says he needs to speak with you, me and Ron."

Confused, she left Ginny and followed Harry and sat in front of the minister. She didn't listen to the minister as he spoke. All she wanted was to leave. She suddenly was forced to listen when she heard him say her name. "Dumbledore decides to leave you his copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard." Hermione takes it from the ministers hand starts to look through the book. She didn't fully understand why Dumbledore would leave her a book of children's stories. It just left her more confused.


"Draco come here this instance!" Draco jumped at the sound of his father calling for him.

As he descended the stairs he looked to see quite a few death eaters gathered in the family room. "Yes father?"

Lucius looked at him and grinned, "it seems the Weasley's are throwing a bit of a party. Our spy tells us it's a wedding and we are going to crash it."

"When?" Draco looked at his father hoping he would have time to warn them. He was only really worried about one person.

"Tonight! We will leave this instance and wait for the signal to attack."

"Father if it is alright I must finish this letter to Blaise and Pansy." That was a load of bullshit. He needed to warn Harry.

"No! We must leave now!"

"Yes father," Draco feared for the people who would be there. He wouldn't be able to warn anyone.


As night fell around the burrow Bill and Fleur had said "I do" and were married. After that everyone gathered around the tent for dancing and food. Hermione looked around at the joy that filled the air. For once she decided to forget about the war and have fun. She made sure her purse was wrapped around her wrist just in case something were to happen she was prepared.

"May I have this dance?" Hermione heard a thick accent and turned to the person who had spoke. She looked at Viktor Krum who stood bowed in front of her. He certainly looked different. Actually better. His buzz cut hair was now grown out and made him look even more handsome.

"Yes, you may." Hermione smiled as he grabbed her hand and pulled her to the dance floor. She smiled at the thought of them together again. He was a kind and caring boyfriend...but there were no feelings. He was perfect, but she didn't love him.

"How have you been Hermione? I have not seen you since the Tri-Wizard tournament."

"I have been ok. Lots of things happening know, but let's not talk about that. How have you been?" Hermione decided it was best not to talk about herself seeming as everything made her cry.

"I have been well. I am thankful Fleur invited me. I have decided not to go home, but to stay here and help fight." Viktor looked at Hermione with determination behind his eyes.

"Thank you Viktor that means a lot." She felt eyes staring the back of her head and turned to see who it was. Ron was giving her a death glare and she didn't understand why. She turned back to Viktor as he began a long spill about the honors of fighting. Smiling and nodding as he spoke she listened to others around her. Luna and her father speaking to Harry, George complaining about how Molly had taken away the alcohol, and many others.

All this happiness around her was enough to last her a lifetime. She wasn't thinking of Ron, wasn't thinking of the war, and she wasn't thinking of her parents. She was just happy. In this moment she was joyous.

She is snapped out of her trance when she hears screaming. All around her people were running as black smoke and bodies filled the air. She looked for Harry and ran for him. Ron met them at the back of the tent. They were stopped as a death eater snatched Hermione and put his wand up to her throat. "Harry!! Ron!!"

Ron looked confused, unsure of what to do. Harry reached for his wand when and voice spoke behind the death eater.

"Expelliarmus!" The wand flew away from Hermione's neck and the death eater was thrown off of her. She was grabbed by the shoulders by a mysterious man and pushed to Harry and Ron. Once they were together they disapparated.


Once their feet hit the ground Harry was up and yelling, "About time! I thought you weren't going to show up! You were supposed to be here an hour ago!"

"Well I'm here now aren't I? You're lucky I came or your golden trio would've become the golden duo!" The voice from before hollered as Harry raised his voice. It seemed quite familiar.

"Yes thank you for saving her, but still. When you make a bloody plan you stick to it!" Harry was fuming.

Ron soon spoke after, "bloody hell Harry! What the hell is he doing here?!" Hermione decided now was a good time to see who was holding her.

She turned to see the man she had grown to despise. The boy who had made her life a living hell. The man who saved her. Her eyes filled with hatred and she pulled herself away. The voice belonged to none other than Draco fucking Malfoy.

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