Burning Rooms & Tearful Goodbyes

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Hermiones POV:

"Holy shit!" Draco yells as a wave comes barreling toward us.

"Run!!" I shout and turn towards the door. Ron just made me stab the horcrux. Why me? Who knows at this point. Even though we are running, the wave catches up and slams us to the ground. When the water clears, I look to the two men beside me stunned. Before I can stop it, a giggle escapes my mouth. Pretty soon, we are all laughing on the ground.

"Come on, we need to find Harry." Ron stands up saying. And so we began our trek out of the chamber that haunted us our second year.

Once we had reached the top, we start climbing stairs looking for Harry. We stop a student here and there asking if they've seen him. We reach the seventh floor, but still no Harry.

"Draco!" We turn to see Blaise and Harry both running toward us.

"Harry we killed it!" I yell happily. We are one step closer.

"Good. Now we have to find the diadem." As soon as Harry finishes his sentence, a door begins to form in front of us. The room of requirement.

We open the doors to see piles of junk stacked high. Before we can start looking, we hear someone headed in our direction. When I look, there are Crabbe and Goyle standing with their wands drawn.

"I can't believe it. Malfoy really has become a traitor." Goyle sneers.

"I told you. It's because of that mudblood. He's entranced by her cunt." Crabbe says next. Draco draws his wand and points it at his former friends. Blaise stands next to him wand at the ready.

"You watch your mouth boys. You're on the wrong side." Blaise says warningly.

"You're no better Zabini! You're too busy fucking that blood traitor to even see how stupid you are." Crabbe yells.

"That's my sister you dickheads!" Ron yells and chases after the two idiots.

"Ron!" I yell after him and roll my eyes. Typical hothead.

"I found it!" Harry yells from a stack of junk.

"When did you get up there?" Draco asks the question on all our minds.

"It was Crabbe and Goyle. Not too hard to do anything around them." Harry shrugs climbing down the pile of junk. I go to pull the dang out of my purse, only to hear Ron screaming.

"Bloody idiot set the room on fire!" He screams running past us and to the door. Before we can get too far, the area around us is engulfed by flames.

"Shit! What do we do?" Blaise yells over the roaring fire. I turn and see brooms suddenly getting an idea.

"Hurry!" I yell grabbing one and throwing it to Harry. Blaise climbs on the broom with Harry, Ron grabs his own, and Draco climbs on behind me. We lift off and start flying out of the room. When we fly out of the doors, Draco and I roll to the ground, followed by Blaise and Harry. Ron lands on his feet grinning like a fool.

"Harry!" I yell throwing the basilisk fang to him. He catches it and stabs the tiara sitting on the ground. Draco kicks it into the flames coming from the room of requirement. The doors slam shut.

"Crabbe and Goyle..." Draco whispers staring at the doors. Even though they were evil, they had still been his friends. I grabbed his shoulder and squeezed.

"Arghhhhh!" Harry falls to the ground.

"Not again," Ron sighs going to his side. Before we have time to worry about him, he pops back up.

"It's the snake."

"What?" I ask him.

"The snake is the last horcrux." Last?

"Harry it can't be the last. That would only make six." I state.

"I don't know Mione. Maybe we miscounted, but he's protecting that snake with his life." Harry sighs rubbing his head.

"How do we find them?" Draco asks grabbing my hand.

"The map. Surely it will still show Tom Riddle?" Ron says from behind Harry. I pull the map of Hogwarts from my bag. I point my wand to it, and say the words.

"I solemnly swear I am up to no good." The map forms. We take a few minutes to inspect the map.

"There!" Blaise says pointing to an area on the page. Tom Riddle was located, with Severus Snape.

"Blaise, find Ginny. Protect her." Ron says grabbing his arm. Blaise nods and runs off to find a certain redhead.

"Ready?" I ask grabbing hold of the boys. They nod and we apparate. When we land, we can hear Snape talking with Voldemort.

"For you see Severus, I am not the owner of this wand. It does not listen to me." He hisses.

"My lord, I can assure you, that wand listens to no other master." My old potions professor replies.

"No Severus, the wand listens to you."

"My lord?"

"You were the one to kill Albus. The wand is yours."

"My lord I can-"

"Attack Nagini." The next moment, Snapes body is slammed against the greenhouse walls. The snake strikes him several times. "Come Nagini." When we hear him apparate, we enter the greenhouse.

Dracos POV:

I walk slowly into the greenhouse to see my godfather laying on the ground. I freeze. This man has always been there for me when my father wasn't. This man was my true father. The only figure in my life to care for me besides my mother. He taught me to play Quidditch, how to properly brew potions, he even helped me through my mental struggles. He was the one who encouraged my love for Hermione.

"Sev..." I say slowly walking toward his body.

"Draco..." he grabs my hand, his other on his neck. "I am so proud of you my boy."

"No, no we can fix this. We can heal you! There must be a way!" I cry. Tears roll down my face as he squeezes my hands tighter.

"N-no Draco," he coughs. "I am leaving this world, but you will live. You must live."

"Sev..." I sob.

"Draco I'm proud of you. You have chosen the right side. Hold on to your love. Hold on to Miss Granger. Do not ever let her go." He looks to Hermione who has tears in her eyes. "You have grown into a wonderful young man." He whispers. "Harry." At the mention of his name, Harry comes beside me. "Take them." He says. Harry looks confused. I see tears roll down his face and I understand.

"Hermione give me a vial!" At the sound of my voice, she digs through her bag and hands one to me. I reach forward and catch a few of his tears. Once I'm finished, I hand the vial to Harry.

"Harry, you have your mothers eyes..." Severus says reaching for the raven haired boy. Severus turns back to me and smiles.

"We have to heal you Sev. You can't die." I cry harder grabbing his hand. "You can't..."

"I could not have chosen a better son than you Draco." He whispers as the life leaves his eyes.

A/n: I know, I suck.

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