Old Home

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Hermione's POV:

While everyone was catching up and planning, I ended up wandering around. I was careful and quite. I knew where the secret passage to Gryffindor tower was, and for some reason I went straight towards it. It wasn't long before I entered the common room.

It was empty. Quiet. It's never been this way before....cobwebs had gathered, dust on every surface...it was dead. All the chairs were torn, trash was all over the floor, and objects were strewn.

I sighed as I sat down on the sofa. This is all too much. I just wish we could go back, but I guess this was inevitable. I felt the sofa dip next to me. I looked over to find Draco.

"How did you get in here?"

"I think the fat lady gave up on caring." I chuckled at his words and looked back towards the mantel. It held memories. Pictures of all of the Gryffindors. We all looked so happy....the tower was a complete mess. Everything was destroyed. "I also think the Slytherins had a bit of joy in destroying the tower." I nodded.

"Yeah I guess."

"Mione are you ok?"

"Why did this have to happen..."

"I don't know love."

"Draco, this world was peaceful. It's all becoming to much for me."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...I just want to run away...hide....go home...but I can't." A tear escaped my eye as the words left my mouth. It was all true. I wanted to run. I wanted to go to the muggle world and get away from this. Even if I did, it's not like I could go back to my parents. I'd be all alone.

"Mione...you cant seriously be thinking about running? Not now. Not when we are so close."

"I know...but imagine if we could. We could leave this all behind. Make a better life for us."

Draco grabbed my hand and I looked at his face. He didn't look mad, or sad. He just looked content.

"Mione you wouldn't be happy and you know it. You would constantly belittle yourself. Plus you love your magic too much." I smiled at his words. "I know that you're are a strong woman who never gives up. No matter what is thrown at you, you keep going. I will never understand how that brain of yours works, but we wouldn't be alive without it. I wouldn't be alive. You've saved us so many times, and don't try to disagree. You've been protecting all of us since first year. I'd say you're more famous than Potty."

I smacked his arm at his nickname for Harry, but I couldn't stop the smile from forming. He was right. This is where I belonged. Fighting for what I believe in. Fighting for those I loved. I've never been one to give up because it got hard...so why am I thinking that's ok now? I stood up from the couch and walked towards the window. I sighed as Draco wrapped his arms around me.

"I know it seems like hell is coming, but I know we can make it through this Mia."


"Mione got too long." I laughed as Draco smiled, proud of his new nickname.

"I don't want to lose anyone else," I said staring out at black lake. It used to be lively in the water. Full of water sprites and so many angelic creatures. Hell I'd even go for looking that damn squid just to know there is still life in the water.

"I can't promise everyone will be ok," Draco whispered. "I can't tell you that because I know it isn't true. War cannot come without casualties."

"I know."

With his arms around me, I enjoyed the quiet moment. No war, no problems, nothing but us. I felt safe here and I never wanted to leave, but I knew it wouldn't last long. Despite what I wanted, war was coming. It was inevitable as long as Voldemort was alive.

"We need to get back to the others. They are probably looking for us," I said as I turned to Draco.

"No they probably think we snuck off for some Funtime."

My eyes went wide as I smacked his arm. He grinned, and I smiled back at him.


"Where did you two sneak off to?" Once we entered the room of requirement, Ron asked us that question. All heads turned to us and my face turned red.

"I wanted to see the tower. I wanted to see what was left of it," I whispered. Soon everyone had gone back to their planning. Ron have me a sympathetic look, then motioned for us to come towards them. He wrapped his arms around me once we reached him.

"It's going to get better Mione I promise." I smiled at him. He's changing and it's getting better. He's becoming a better man. "You guys want to hear the plan?"

"What plan?"

Before Ron could answer me Astoria came running into the room. She was a slytherin, but one who loved with all her heart. Everyone fell silent. She looked around the room until she saw him. He hadn't noticed the quiet and was still talking to Neville. Astoria's eyes started welling you with tears. Neville noticed, and turned Harry's head towards to woman he loved. He dropped what he was holding and ran towards her. It was yet another reunion of love.

"Tori how did you know I was here?" He asked as he kissed her.

"Snape knows." We gasped as the words left her mouth.


A/n: So like, I'm currently in college and I have a job. I'm mainly saying this because if I don't update for a long time (like this past time) it's because life got in the way. I'm going to try and stay with it though!! I'm also realizing how fast I went through the first half of my book. Oh 🐳. Tell me what ya think!!

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