Explanations & Planning

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A/N: Hello everyone!! I hope everyone is enjoying the book! As always,

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"What the fuck?! Harry what is he doing here?!" Hermione yelled before she could even consider what she was going to say.

"I never knew you were one to curse Hermione." Hermione's eyes went wide 'did he just use my first name? He's never done that before' she thought to herself. Draco chuckled as he watched Hermione pace back and forth. She was gorgeous. Her red dress looked flawless on her while her hair was tamed and beautiful. He realized he was staring once Hermione started yelling again.

"Harry James Potter you've got some serious explaining to do! Why is he here? Why did he save us? What the hell is going on?" Hermione kept asking questions.

"Ok. Ok! Listen!," Harry hollered to get Hermione's attention. "He's not the bad guy." Ron scoffed at this remark.

"What the hell are you talking about mate?! He's bloody Draco Malfoy! He's a death eater!" Ron was getting pissed with Draco standing not three feet away. Ron started to walk his way and was ready to throw a few punches when Harry grabbed his arm.

"I know, but there's more to the story," Harry said as he pulled Ron away. "Malfoy had gone to Professor Dumbledore the day he was supposed to kill him. He told Dumbledore everything. He told Dumbledore that he was supposed to kill him. That if he didn't he would die. He mentioned Snapes unbreakable vow and all of Voldemort's plans that he had been made aware of at the time. After that I was brought into the scenario. Dumbledore knew I would need help and he knew Draco could do that. Draco is and has been helping me. We've been writing back and fourth for months now. He has continuously told me of Voldemort's plans and what they intended to do." Harry explained it all, but Hermione still didn't believe he was on their side.

"Then why didn't he tell us about tonight? Huh?" Hermione stepped up to him with her wand pointed at his throat. "If he's a spy for the order then why weren't we made aware of the attack tonight?!"

Draco tried to step away from the angry witch and her wand but quickly hit the brick wall behind him. With the tip of her wand being pushed against his throated raised his hands in innocence and he slowly whispered, "because I had no time to warn you." Hermione looked into his grey eyes as sadness filled them. She slowly started to drop her wand, but she could not take her eyes off of his.

"Alright Hermione, that's enough," Harry said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her away from Draco.

"Look Potter, I have to go back before someone notices I'm gone. I'll meet you when I can. Weasley, Hermione....I promise I'm not the enemy." And with that Draco was gone.

Hermione stared at where Draco had been standing not two minutes ago when Harry woke her from her trance. "Hermione we need to move."

"Oh...right. Here," she reached into her bag and started pulling out clothes, "change into these."

After giving the boys their clothes I pulled mine out of my bag. Draco's eyes were so...well he looked as if he cared what happened to us. I have never seen that in his eyes before. I quickly took my dress off and started to change as I considered what might have made him change his mind about Voldemort.


"What?" I snapped and turned to look at a half naked Ron who was staring at me. Not my eyes but my chest. "Ronald Bilius Weasley!" He snapped his head up.

"Maybe you should've waited to change till you were alone," Ron said as a blush rose to his cheeks.

"It doesn't matter Ronald. Now change so we can go!" I stated firmly. But it did matter. I was so busy thinking about Draco I didn't even think about having to change in front of them. I mentally slapped myself for being so daft. Ron probably thought I did it to attract his attention.

After we had changed we quickly ran into a little diner and sat down. It was quite small, but it was cute. The waitress took our order and as soon as she was gone it was back to business.

"Harry what are we going to do?" Ron asked as I looked inside my bag.

"We have to find the horcruxes," Harry stated plainly.

I pulled out a piece of parchment and began to write. "So there is seven of them correct?" We began to discuss our plans and where to possibly find the rest of them. We were so distracted by each other we took no notice of the two men entering the diner.

"Hermione, Ron just act normal, but I see a wand in one of their hands." Harry whispered with a straight face. I could see him reaching for his. "When I say so, duck." I gave a small nod as Harry lifted his wand above the table. I grabbed mine at the same time. "NOW!"

As Harry yelled we all dove out of the way of spells being shot at us. Harry stood and shot first knocking one down. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the other. At the same time I rose and shot a spell Ron did the same.

"Bloody hell. There's no way he's still conscious after that," Ron said with a grin on his face.

"Really Ronald this is no time for jokes," I said sternly as I shot him a glare. He raised his arms in defeat knowing fighting would make it worse. Just as we were about to get up to look the man behind the counter shot a spell towards my head.

"PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!" Ron screamed as he hit his target.

After a few quite minutes we stood. I was the first to walk towards them. They were still and not moving one bit.

"Well Hermione obliviate them while we figure out where to go," Ron said and walked away with Harry.

Typical. I was left to clean up the mess....AGAIN!

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