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Hermione's POV:

"Harry!!" I screamed and ran towards his convulsing body.

"What's happening?" Ron sat on the other side of Harry.

"I have no clue! How do we stop it??" All of the sudden Harry sat straight up like nothing had happened.

"I know where the last horcrux is."

"How?" Draco said standing in front of us.

"I just had a vision. It's at Hogwarts." Hogwarts. My second home. The place where all my memories were a place of sadness.

"We can't go there! We'll be killed on the spot!" Ron started pacing around. I tuned out the conversation. I didn't want to go back. Simply because it would put us all in danger. Hogwarts was still my home though....the only home I knew. I didn't start listening to the conversation until Harry mentioned Dumbledore.

"What do you mean you saw Dumbledore through this mirror shard? There's no bloody way! He's dead!"

"I know it sounds crazy Ron, but I know what I saw." Harry grabbed the mirror shard and put it in his pocket. "I fully understand if you do not wish to come."


"No Mione let me finish. You all have done so much for me. Most of the time, you were nearly killed. This is something I need to do. So, I can't keep putting you all at risk. So this is where we part ways." Harry turned around and started walking away.

"You're fucking insane if you think we are going to give up that easy," Draco spoke from behind me. "We've been through more than you think, but we stayed!"


"No Harry, now you get to listen and let me finish. I understand you've been cursed all your life, but we've been through some tough shit and we aren't leaving just because it's getting hard. We made the choice to fight, not for you, but for ourselves! Ron has dealt with many people torturing his family all his life, present company included. He took all of that nagging with a proud smile. He was your friend and went through hell for you. He even almost died for you! Multiple times! Hermione went through the same shit! She was constantly saving your asses throughout everything that happened in school! She's the reason you two are even alive right now. She obliviated her own damn parents too keep them safe so she could fight in this war with you!"

Draco took a deep breath and looked at me. I looked at him with sad eyes. He looked so broken. "And me, I may not have went through as much shit as you three, but I've had my fair share. I went my whole life falling in love with a girl I could never have. I let blood prejudice get in the way of my true feelings. I lost a chance at having real friends in order to avoid more abuse at home." Draco took his shirt off bearing his skin, "do you see these scars?" Sure enough, there were scars all over his back and torso. I had seen them many times before, I just never wanted to ask about them. I didn't want to open old wounds for him.I didn't know what they were from. "Every damn time I messed up, or I went against my father's wishes, I was beaten. Eventually I got used to it." He slowly put his shirt back on. I hadn't noticed but tears were falling from my eyes. Draco had gone through so much we didn't know about.

"You know the reason I switched sides. I couldn't bear the thought of the woman I loved looking at me with such disgust. But you know what? It happened anyways." Draco turned towards me and took another deep breath. "And I'm done hiding it. Hermione it was you. It's always been you. I love you." I gasped as more tears fell down my face. He loved me? Draco loves me? Before I could speak, he continued. "I know I'll never get to be with you, but I couldn't hold it in anymore. You mean the world to me, and that's what made me choose to fix it all."

Draco gave me a sad look and turned back to Harry, "Harry, we've all been through hell, but we'd do it all over again if it meant having this outcome." My head was reeling. Draco loves me! That's all I could think about.

"Draco...." I said and he turned back towards me.

Draco's POV:

I looked at Hermione as she spoke my name. She deserved someone so much better than me.

"Hermione, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have just sprung that on you. I know you deserve someone better. You deserve a knight in shining armour and that's not me-" I didn't get to finish my sentence, due to the lips that were now on mine. It took a minute for me to realize what was happening. I wrapped my arms around Hermione as her arms found their way around my neck. Hermione pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"A knight in shining armour, is a knight who has never had his armour truly tested. I would rather have you. My knight in tattered armour." I smiled as I hugged Hermione. I finally felt at peace. I loved her, and now she knew. That's all I needed.

"Not that this isn't sweet and all, but we have a world to save!" I laughed as Ron cleared his throat.

"So Harry, still trying to hold us back?" Hermione looked at Harry. He smiled and shook his head.

"No, now I know better than to piss him off." Harry pointed at me.

"Then let's go kill this bastard." I said as we grabbed hands and apparated to Hogsmeade.

A/n: kind of a short chapter, but believe it or not that was a lot for me lol. Tell me what you think!!

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