More Secrets

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A/N: This chapter is all about Draco! I've been super excited for this chapter so I hope it turns out the way I want it to!! Btw it picks up where he left them in the last chapter.

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Draco's POV:

"Because I didn't have time to warn you." I watched as confusion crossed her face after those words left my lips. The confusion became clear when her wand faltered in her hand.

"Alright Hermione, that's enough." Potter walked up to her and pulled her away. Part of me was upset she wasn't close to me anymore. The other part was happy. These things I have been feeling aren't healthy. She would never reciprocate what I felt. She hates me.

"Look Potter, I have to go back before someone notices I'm gone. I'll try to meet you when I can. Weasley, Hermione...I promise I'm not the enemy." Those last words were meant more for her than him. I could care less what he thinks.

Once I left, I went to the Manor. Mother and father know I don't like raids so I normally don't go to them. I show up then leave so they never question it. Tonight however was different.

"Draco, darling? Where did you go?" My mother looked at me quizzically trying to avoid anymore problems with my father.

"I left after we all entered the tent. You both know how I prefer not to be involved in these silly raids."

"Is that so? Well a few people claim to have seen you hit one of your own with a spell and save Hermione Granger. Is that true?" My father spit her name out with venom. It took everything in me not to tell them to fuck off and leave me be.

"That mudblood? Why in Merlin's name would I save a filthy wench like her?" I mentally cringed with each insult that left my mouth. "If I did save her it would be for a shag and then I'd kill her of course." My mother cringed at my words.

"Must you be so vulgar Draco?"

"Are you positive this is what happened? If you're lying and you betrayed your lord he will not take it kindly." My father questioned further.

"The man I shot a spell at was trying to save that mudblood. He was trying to get her to her precious little friends so they could leave, so I shot him. I don't know what happened to to the three afterwards but at least I got the traitor."

My father beamed with pride, "That's my boy!" He patted my back. "Come now Narcissa we are late for meeting Bellatrix."

I rolled my eyes at the mention of that god awful witch. My mother did not like to call her her sister and I certainly didn't like to call her my aunt. I watched their retreating figures as they left the manor. I took this as my time to retreat to my room. As I walked up the stairs my mind started to drift.

I went back to when I realized I was on the wrong side. It was the day I was supposed to kill Dumbledore....

I watched as Granger paced around the library trying to find the book she needed. She had been walking around this one bookshelf for almost thirty minutes. She finally found what she was looking for, but she wasn't quite tall enough to reach it.

"You need some help there Granger?" I smirked at her when she turned to me with anger in her eyes.

"No Malfoy I do not. I especially do not need help from an arse such as yourself."

"Woahhh I guess that steamy moment in the tower wasn't much to you huh?"

"Go away Malfoy! That was a mistake. It never should have happened you know that. We are never to talk about that again. Now just go back to being evil."

I knew she meant 'evil' as in the dark mark that was currently sitting on my left arm. She glared at me and turned away. She didn't know, but it hurt. I liked her. Not like as a friend, but so much more. I wasn't sure if it was love, but I knew it was an attraction. Not a sexual one. Just an attraction. Even though that time in the tower was very much sexual (a/n: you'll all learn about that later)

I continued to stare at her. She was beautiful. Her hair was unruly and in a ponytail. Her eyes tired from lack of sleep. The oversized jumper she wore swallowed her figure, but that didn't matter. She still looked gorgeous to me. It was in that moment I realized I could never have her if I was on the opposite side as she was. I could never win her heart. Never hold her hand. I could never kiss her. I would never be able to have the relationship I wanted with her if I didn't do the right thing. If I didn't right my wrongs.

I shot up from the library table and ran. I ran to Dumbledore's office and waited for him to open the door for me. I didn't know the password, but I knew he would sense me. The statue began to sink and stairs began to form. I took them two at a time and bolted into his office.

"Mr. Malfoy, what can I do for you?"

"I have something to tell you," I blurted out. "Voldemort wants me to kill you so you cannot stand in the way of him killing Potter." After that tidbit of information I spilled everything. All the information I had been made aware of came spewing out of my mouth.

"Well, this is quite a lot to take in. I'm proud of you and the decision you have made. I hope you know it was the right one." Dumbledore nodded at his Phoenix who then went flying out the window.

We sat in silence for a minute before it was interrupted by the office door opening again. "Professor? You sent for me?" I turned to see Harry Potter standing in the doorway with a confused look on his face.

"Yes Mr. Potter. Mr. Malfoy has a few things to tell you."

I looked to Dumbledore who nodded to me. Once again I spilled everything. Potter was the last person I expected to do this to, but I didn't care. I was doing this for her. Throughout my whole explanation there was something I said that was supposed to stay hidden.

"There's a reason I'm telling you all this and it's because I want to protect Hermione from all the damn-"

"Hermione?" Potter stooped me mid-sentence and I realized what I had said.

"Um no sorry anywa-"

"You said Hermione, Malfoy. Do you have feelings for her?"

"I don't know," I sighed. I ran a hand through my hair and continued. "This is all a bit confusing and everything is jumbled in my head."

"Mr. Malfoy, I thank you for the sacrifice you have made with telling us all this. As for the reason you are here Mr. Potter, I would like for you and Mr. Malfoy to work together. He will be a spy for the order and will report everything back to you. Mr. Malfoy, I need you to stay exactly where you are. Don't let anyone know your true purposes. I will put a protective spell over your mind so Voldemort will not be able to access it. This will also put false memories in your mind that show you doing everything he has asked of you. As for killing will have to do that."

My eyes went wide as the Dumbledore said that last sentence. "Professor...I can't. I can't do it."

"You have to Malfoy," Harry whispered as he looked at me with sad eyes.

"Hermione would never forgive me."

"I'll handle her."

"No Mr. Potter. You mustn't tell Miss. Granger or Mr. Weasley. This must remain between you and Mr. Malfoy." Dumbledore looked at us and all we could do was nod. "Now off to dinner."

As we started to leave his office I looked towards Potter, " am I going to do this?"

"I have no idea Malfoy, but Dumbledore said you must."

I was awoken from my daydream when I heard pecking at the window. It was an owl with a letter.

"Malfoy, we are at Sirius' family home. Grimmauld Place. Come as soon as you can we need to talk.


A/N: The only thing that was going through my head throughout this whole chapter was "She's in Love" from The Little Mermaid on broadway. Don't ask me why cause I have no idea!

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